The Limited Times

Migrants: thousands in the streets in Berlin to press on the EU

9/20/2020, 4:02:10 PM

The request: 'To welcome asylum seekers left homeless in Lesbos' (ANSA)Thousands of people demonstrated in Berlin and other German cities to urge the European Union to welcome migrants left without shelter after a fire destroyed their largest camp in Greece. Protesters, with masks on their faces, displayed banners reading "we leave no one behind". With them in the German capital also the aunt of Alan Kurdi, the Syrian child who drowned in 2015 and whose image has be

Thousands of people demonstrated in Berlin and other German cities to urge the European Union to welcome migrants left without shelter after a fire destroyed their largest camp in Greece.

Protesters, with masks on their faces, displayed banners reading "we leave no one behind".

With them in the German capital also the aunt of Alan Kurdi, the Syrian child who drowned in 2015 and whose image has become a symbol of the refugee crisis.