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Deliveries to bench and demonstration sign: When there are holes in the regulations - businesses find a solution - Walla! news

9/21/2020, 7:58:53 PM

Violations in the restrictions imposed by the government for the holiday season, led the business owners to creative solutions to run the business without being harmed financially. Yaakov hung a demonstration sign near the clothing stand that opened that "demonstrations must not be prevented", Nissan takes out dishes outside the restaurant and Idan invented the messenger for a short distance

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Deliveries to bench and demonstration sign: When regulations have holes - businesses find a solution

Violations in the restrictions imposed by the government for the holiday season, led the business owners to creative solutions to run the business without being harmed financially.

Yaakov hung a demonstration sign near the clothing stand that opened that "demonstrations must not be prevented", Nissan takes out dishes outside the restaurant and Idan invented the messenger for a short distance


  • Bars

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  • Corona virus

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Dana Yarkatzi

Monday, 21 September 2020, 22:37

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In the video: The restaurateurs' protest against the closure (Editing: Itai Amram)

Restrictions on the general closure imposed on the state on Friday urged restaurant owners from the restaurant sector to find creative solutions under the law, through which they can continue to make a living in the coming weeks.

The takeaway and seating services in the place may have been banned, but there are those who have found the loopholes in the regulations that allow him to continue working.

A post posted on Facebook by Tomer Moore from the organization "Strong Restaurants Together", in which he called on business owners to put up a sign with the caption SHMK - a close delivery service, inspired restaurateurs to open the business and work according to the same holes. , On a bench or across the road, call to order the food, and it comes to them as a delivery - a service allowed by regulations.

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"Proper use will not require a coup."

Post Restaurant Association

Nissan Lerido

Nissan Lerido, one of the owners of the old North Bar in Tel Aviv, decided to follow a similar plan.

He put up a sign with his business partners calling to order deliveries to the bench, or to shout outside the restaurant, and the owners of the place will go out in his direction and give him the delivery.

"We are trying to understand the boundaries of our sector, so if we are not allowed to take-away, and deliveries are allowed - we will go out and give them the delivery," Larido said.

He said, "We have the 'Volt' and 'Give Bite' delivery services, so on the face of it you can live across the road and order. The cost of 'Volt' is expensive, so we as partners sat down to build a strategy and decided to distribute flyers, we will be the couriers. You can quantify it by distance, you can not tell me not to ship to a nearby street or bench, "he explains.

"They do not want people to stand in line inside the entrance to the business. I do not understand what the rationale is behind the ban on takeaways."

Larido explained how the bar counted the benches placed on Dizengoff Street, "so now you can call to order and we'll go out and get you the food. We put up a sign - close deliveries, then either you can shout your order, or call," he said.

"I saw that 'strong restaurateurs together' raised Shamak, but we actually created the practice ourselves beforehand."

He criticized the closure of the restaurants, saying that "the whole matter of the closure of restaurants seems unnecessary to me.

A restaurant is a relatively safe business, in all the time we have been open since the end of the first closure, we know that there was once a person here who was infected in Corona. "

"Shipments to the bench".

The old north menu in Tel Aviv

Idan Weizmann, one of the owners of the

'Easy Coffee' cafe in

Tel Aviv, also decided to use the technique, and placed the NCO sign. "We work according to the law.

A customer orders a delivery, and it does not interest me where he orders, whether it is to the sidewalk or to his home, I do what the law says, order from me to a certain address - and I bring.

Should I decipher the law? "Weizmann wondered." As long as the customer orders, I make it accessible to him. "

He said," The law is just dumb and that's what we have left to survive, we take advantage of the loopholes in the law to make a living.

The most appropriate thing is that they let us take a takeaway, like a customer goes into Shufersal and takes a dose, or they buy a drink at a gas station. "He explained that" they didn't really stop the whole economy, they left us out of the game and we had to survive.

We have no choice. "

According to Weizmann, the regulations make it difficult for him in vain." It's the same as takeaway, only more difficult.

"The fact that the customer calls and orders in the corner opposite is just like he would go in and take it, I can not control it, I can not tell the customer that I do not take out the dish for him," he said.

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"That's what we have left to survive."

"Easy Coffee" in Tel Aviv

But attempts to circumvent regulatory loopholes are not limited to restaurateurs.

Yaakov Matzlawi, who owns a clothing stall in the Ramla market, also decided to open the stall today.

He acted in a different manner and placed a sign by the stand stating that he was demonstrating, since demonstration-type activity was exceeded.

"We got to the market and the inspectors explained to us that some of the stores could open and some could not. I decided to dodge, and I put up a sign of a demonstration, which I am demonstrating," he said.

He described the confusion he experienced after watching demonstrations held on the beach in Tel Aviv, which he called a "celebration."

"I saw the day before on TV that there was a sign of a demonstration, they celebrated, went to celebrate at sea, a policeman came there and ran away like a little girl, because demonstrations must not be prevented," he said.

"No matter when they came and went, at the end of the day I closed the store, the police came and asked me to accompany them to the station, where I was detained for half a day and received a report in the amount of NIS 5,000."

He lamented what he described as pickiness in quarantine enforcement.

"I am a Likudnik, but what is happening in this matter of the Corona is one big shame. It cannot be that mayors who have influence with the Prime Minister will open their markets, as in the Mahane Yehuda market in Jerusalem. Moshe Leon exerts pressure, so they open the market. "The city of Huldai is a strong mayor, so we open Carmel and Hatikva. We have a weak mayor, so we do not open the markets - what is the difference? If you close, you close everyone," he said angrily.

"Mayors who have influence over the Prime Minister open the markets."

The conditions of the closure also led business owners to act in violation of the guidelines clearly, and risk a fine.

For example, yesterday the owners of the "tried" cafe opened the business, in the midst of the closure, and customers filled the place.

Police arrived at the cafe and fined owner Yoni Salomon NIS 5,000.

The owner of the place claimed that he did so in protest that he had not yet received his compensation from the state from the previous quarantine.

He explained that he sees the announcement of the closure as a political move in which Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is interested.

In the background, the association "Strong restaurateurs together" threatened that if there was no solution, or a pre-agreed compensation scheme for the loss of income of business owners and restaurants - they would be forced to open the cafes.

Risk a fine.

Many customers at the cafe tried in Jaffa, yesterday

Other businesses aligned with the restaurateurs' organization line, threatening to open up as well, contrary to guidelines.

In a post posted on Facebook by the owners of the Cheese Cafe in Beit Hillel and Giaokuso in Haifa, they said that they were opening and that they were consciously opposing the law.

"I do it because I can not open deliveries, I am not prepared for it, and it is also hopeless for restaurants. Customers are arranged within a radius of 40 km, and I can not start running around within that radius.

" Sit in our yard without service.

No waiters, no service, nothing, he can not order food, it's just pick up and self service.

I decided to do it because I have no other option.

I could have acted on the outline if the state had taken care of me, and would have said I had compensation and rent.

But not the situation.

I have no other option, after the state threw us dogs, so now we have learned from what happened the previous time, that we did not receive compensation and in the end whoever did not work and fought for his livelihood did not survive.

It is impossible to go through this one more time. "

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