The Limited Times

49-year-old is said to have killed her husband and passed away in his ashes: statement awaited with suspense

9/22/2020, 5:04:59 AM

Did she inject insulin and morphine into her husband while he slept? A murder trial is in progress against a woman from Tegernsee. She is also said to have stolen the ashes and desecrated them.

Did she inject insulin and morphine into her husband while he slept?

A murder trial is in progress against a woman from Tegernsee.

She is also said to have stolen the ashes and desecrated them.

Tegernsee -

Ekaterina R.

would have liked to have


something before the

Munich II

regional court


Again and again she started to explain.

But then her defense attorney Garina Hamel grabbed her shoulder through the narrow slit of the corona protective barrier to silence her.

"Our client won't let in today,"

said co-defender David Mühlberger later.

You can

not separate the

curriculum vitae

and the



Ekaterina S. is accused of terrible things.

In August 2018, she is said to

have killed her husband



(Miesbach district).

To do this, the trained nurse first gave him a strong

sleeping pill


It should be his evening antidepressant.

When he fell asleep, she injected the non-diabetic man with insulin several times.

But the man did not die.

So she picked up three vials of morphine in the morning hours of August 8th.

Eventually the 60-year-old doctor died.

That is what the indictment says.

And that the doctor was no longer of any use in retirement.

During the course of the marriage she had already signed his property over to her.

The apartment on Tegernsee also belonged to her - at most, he still enjoyed a lifelong



So there was nothing to be gained financially from her husband, and in the background the next relationship with a wealthy man was already beckoning.

"Incidentally, through the death of her husband, the accused intended

to secure

his remaining


as an


," read public prosecutor Matthias Braumandl.

Poison from Tegernsee: It was a suicide, she said

The 49-year-old followed his words motionless.

On the night of the crime, they both

had a






A neighbor with dementia (93) was also there, whom Ekaterina later brought to his apartment and to bed there.

The couple went to sleep at home too.

Before that, they still had sex.

The 60-year-old felt secure.

The next morning he was dead.

Ekaterina had her husband cremated and buried in the Tegernsee



It was a suicide, she said.

At some point during the night she crept to the cemetery, opened the grave slab with a cordless screwdriver and stole the



She poured a small portion of the


into a glass and wrote her husband's first name on it.

She filled the rest in the cover of her pillow and satisfied herself on it.

At least one time.

That is also in the indictment.

The process is ongoing.


Angela Walser

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