The Limited Times

Aoun renews his condemnation of the Israeli violations and calls on the United Nations to stop them

9/23/2020, 7:41:12 PM

Beirut-SANA The Lebanese President, General Michel Aoun, renewed his condemnation of the continued Israeli violations of Lebanese sovereignty


Lebanese President General Michel Aoun renewed his condemnation of the continued Israeli violations of Lebanese sovereignty, affirming at the same time Lebanon's commitment to implementing Resolution 1701 in all its components.

In his speech before the United Nations General Assembly via “video” technology, Aoun called on the international community to oblige the Israeli occupation entity to fulfill its full obligations in this field and stop its violations of the Lebanese sovereignty by land, sea and air, and stop violating its airspace and using it to launch aggression on Syrian lands, and urging it to fully cooperate with UNIFIL to demarcate what Remaining from the Blue Line and the immediate withdrawal from northern Ghajar, Shebaa Farms and Kfarshouba Hills.

Aoun also affirmed Lebanon's complete adherence to its full right to its water and natural resources of oil and gas and to its entire maritime borders according to international law, pointing out that it looks forward to the role of the United Nations and friendly countries to establish its rights and conduct the necessary negotiations to finally demarcate the maritime borders in accordance with international law in a manner that preserves Lebanon's sovereignty and rights in His fortunes.

Regarding the Beirut port explosion, Aoun said that the repercussions of the explosion would not only prolong economic activity, but would also raise poverty rates, indicating that there is a great need for support from the international community for its reconstruction.