The Limited Times

Brussels unveils its new migration pact

9/23/2020, 6:29:11 PM

The project provides for a “compulsory solidarity mechanism” between Member States.After years of blockages on the reform of its migration and asylum policy, the European Commission presents a new package in the hope of uniting Europeans. Objective: find lasting solutions. But also and above all "to restore confidence between the Member States ", admitted President Ursula von der Leyen. To candidates for migration, Brussels does not send a welcome message, but a warning. Upstrea

After years of blockages on the reform of its migration and asylum policy, the European Commission presents a new package in the hope of uniting Europeans.

Objective: find lasting solutions.

But also and above all "to

restore confidence between the Member States

", admitted President Ursula von der Leyen.

To candidates for migration, Brussels does not send a welcome message, but a warning.

Upstream, the executive wants to act on migratory flows and limit departures.

He proposes to strengthen cooperation with countries of origin and transit, and to make European financial assistance or visa policy conditional on it.

Read also:

Migrants: Europeans want to change the rules

As for the Union's external borders, their control must be stepped up.

First, by posting more staff from the European Border Guard Agency.

Then, by carrying out reinforced and accelerated controls at entry points.

Brussels proposes to organize rapid screening (less than 5 days) to "

immediately redirect

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