The Limited Times

Coronavirus disease. Latest | Yesterday there are still confirmed cases, no hope of "clearing" the gathering limit order to maintain after midnight

9/23/2020, 11:11:08 PM

Although the local novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic has gradually stabilized, there are still sporadic cases of unknown origin. The government will extend the ban on gathering 4 people until October 1, and students will begin to return to school in stages. The cumulative number of cases in Hong Kong has increased to 5,050. The increase in the number of confirmed cases in the past 3 days has maintained a single number. The news indicates that there were some preliminary confirmed cases yesterday (23). It is expected that the number of confirmed cases reported today (24) has not been completely "cleared" .

Social News

Written by: Chen Qianting, McCain, Wong Wing Yu, Tsang Kaixin, Zheng Cuibi, Chen Jiayi, Chen Shuxia

2020-09-24 07:00

Last update date: 2020-09-24 07:00

Although the local novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic has gradually stabilized, there are still sporadic cases of unknown origin. The government will extend the ban on gathering 4 people until October 1, and students will begin to return to school in stages.

The cumulative number of cases in Hong Kong has increased to 5,050. The increase in the number of confirmed cases in the past 3 days has maintained a single number. The news indicates that there were some preliminary confirmed cases yesterday (23). It is expected that the number of confirmed cases reported today (24) has not been completely "cleared" .

↓↓ 9.23 Resumption of some levels in primary, secondary and elementary schools↓↓




Yesterday's overview: new coronary pneumonia.

9.23|Sham Shui Po 83-year-old female patient dies, a total of 104 people in Hong Kong have died

Gathering Restriction Order | Gathering Restriction Order and Table Restriction Order Extends for 7 Days. Entertainment venues resume performances on October 1st

New crown pneumonia | Leisure and Cultural Services Department Library Museum resumes normal performance next Tuesday, limit 50%

Mid-Autumn Festival Gathering Order | The restaurant’s food business is halved, and one is divided into three tables. There are chicken and fish in Taiwan

Employment Guarantee Phase II | 82,000 employers are approved to subsidize 5,600 employers who need to rebate 48 million yuan for breach of promise

New crown pneumonia | Cathay Pacific has estimated that the surplus of workers will reach 6,800 labor unions: staff worries about layoffs

▼Reopening of premises and relaxation measures starting on September 25▼




New crown pneumonia | The Tourism Board intends to give away 10,000 free local tours, the limit for gathering places can be greatly relaxed

[00:00] The third wave of the new crown virus has dropped significantly, but Hong Kong people still have no hope of traveling abroad, and the local tourism industry is on the verge of collapse.

The Tourism Board is preparing to spend millions of dollars to launch the "Reward You Travel in Hong Kong" program. As long as the public spends a designated amount in retail or catering, initially with a target of 1,000 yuan, they can redeem a free local tour quota for participation A four-hour local tour with one meal, 10,000 places, and 50 itinerary options.

However, this free local tour program is still launched indefinitely. The director general of the bureau, Cheng Dingyi, said that the current limit for gatherings is four people, that is, only one tour guide can bring three guests, which is not cost-effective, but even if it reaches eight people, it is the same. It needs to reach the permissible 20-30, so the launch time still has to wait for the restriction order to be greatly relaxed.

In addition, the HKTB, as usual, is preparing for the Colorful Winter Festival, and it also plans to hold a New Year’s Eve countdown with a firework display.




Resumption of classes|The remaining teachers and students of Zou Zhenyou School in Wuyi, Tuen Mun are all negative and return to school as scheduled

Class Resumption|The elementary school prepares four timetables and instructs teachers to prepare "walking bags" to cope with classroom changes

Resumption of classes|The first daughter of the primary school returns to school for the first time in the epidemic

Class Resumption|Wu Shaomei changed from a netizen to a classmate in her life, excited

Class Resumption|Kindergarten K3 back to school today, parents describe the joy of belated mothers pick up 4 times in half a day

▼Resumption Guidelines▼




New crown pneumonia ︱ 3 more confirmed cases, 2 local cases, 4-year-old boy lives in Kin Sang Village, Tuen Mun

New crown pneumonia | Leisure and Cultural Services Department Library Museum resumes normal performance next Tuesday, limit 50%

New crown pneumonia | Residents of Hongyu Building died of the epidemic in 80 days, 104 deaths and 19 people recruited in the building

Coronavirus disease.

9.23|Sham Shui Po 83-year-old female patient dies, a total of 104 people in Hong Kong have died


Coronavirus disease

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