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How did the United States reach 200,000 deaths from covid-19?

9/23/2020, 7:43:55 PM

The United States is the country where the disease has claimed the most lives worldwide. It is also the nation with the most infected.

USA: 858 people have died per day from covid 3:41

(CNN Spanish) - The

United States exceeded the figure of 200,000 deaths from coronavirus.

It is the country where the disease has claimed the most lives worldwide.

It also continues to lead the list of infections with more than 6.8 million infected.

In this episode, Dr. Elmer Huerta analyzes the factors that led the world power to break the figure.

You can listen to this episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast platform, or read the transcript below.

Hello, I am Dr. Elmer Huerta and this is your daily dose of information about the new coronavirus.

Information that we hope will be useful to take care of your health and that of your family.

Today we will see what factors determined that the United States became the country with the most deaths from covid-19.

At noon on Tuesday, September 22, and with 200,000 deaths, the United States remained the country with the most deaths from covid-19 in the world, the same position it has held since April.

The first death of covid-19 in the United States

The first case of death from covid-19 was announced on Saturday, February 29 by President Donald Trump.

The president reported that a man in his fifties had died in the state of Washington after contracting the disease in the country, that is, it was an indigenous case.

At that conference, it was also announced that there were 71 confirmed cases of covid-19.

44 of those infected were passengers who arrived on the Diamond Princess cruise ship, which had been isolated off the coast of Japan.

Three were citizens of China and the remaining 24 had been identified and isolated.

President Trump said, announcing his intention to downplay the disease from the start, that 15 of those 22 cases would recover "that weekend" and that the disease would disappear.

The result has not been exactly that and the prediction of Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, that the United States would reach 200,000 deaths from covid-19 has been fulfilled.

Deaths equal to casualties in 5 wars combined

The 200,000 deaths represent the accumulation of approximately 858 daily deaths on average since February 6.

That number represents more deaths than in the last five wars in which the US has participated, those in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and the Persian Gulf.

There are several reasons to explain that the United States - one of the countries with the strongest public health system in the world - is the country with the most deaths from COVID-19 on the planet.

Without a doubt, one of them was the multiple bureaucratic obstacles that prevented hundreds of private laboratories and academic centers in universities from developing a test to detect the new coronavirus.

Those difficulties delayed the development of vital molecular tests for the virus by more than a month.

The factors that led to that figure

Without adequate testing, the important pandemic mitigation stage that consists of detecting the case and identifying its contacts to proceed with isolation and prevent the spread of the virus could not be carried out.

Without mitigation, the virus spread rapidly in the country.

But without a doubt, it is also possible that the lack of management and leadership of the federal government has contributed significantly to the problem.

The White House - especially President Trump - downplayed the pandemic from the start and did not follow the scientific guidelines of its advisers.

By promoting, for example, unproven treatments like hydroxychloroquine and convalescent antibody-rich plasma, the White House was effective in neutralizing the science-based efforts of the US Food and Drug Administration.

In the same way, by not ordering the universal use of masks and, on the contrary, stigmatizing and politicizing them, interfering with opinions about contagion of children and, as we saw in the episode of September 22, not recognizing the contagion of the virus through of aerosols, the White House interfered with the scientific work of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Has the pandemic been politicized?

On the other hand, realizing that his chief scientist, Dr. Anthony Fauci, did not agree with his ideas, President Trump replaced him at press conferences with Dr. Scott Atlas.

Atlas is a neuroradiologist, without training in epidemiology or infectious diseases, whose main virtue is to serve as a sounding board for the president's ideas.

In sum, having reached 200,000 deaths from covid-19 represents a sobering moment and that history will analyze in detail.

For now, wherever you live, we remind you that this is an infectious disease caused by a new virus called SARS CoV2 and that it is transmitted from person to person when they are less than a meter away and their nose and mouth are exposed.

Wearing a mask that covers the nose and mouth every time around people, keeping a minimum distance of two meters from other people, washing hands, and cleaning surfaces in homes and workplaces are the best ways to prevent this disease.

Now, we can only hope that the prediction of the University of Washington about the possibility that by January 1, 2021 there will be almost 180,000 more deaths from covid-19 in the United States.

Do you have questions about the coronavirus?

Send me your questions on Twitter, we will try to answer them in our next episodes.

You can find me at @DrHuerta.

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Thanks for your attention.

If you have any questions you can send them to Dr. Elmer Huerta via Twitter.

You can also head over to for all episodes of our “Coronavirus: Reality vs. Reality” podcast.



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