The Limited Times

The community is suing the district office

9/23/2020, 7:04:55 PM

The Münsing community is taking an unusual step: it is suing the district administration. It's about a building project on Waldschmidtweg.

The Münsing community is taking an unusual step: it is suing the district administration.

It's about a building project on Waldschmidtweg.

Münsing -

The committee had already rejected the planned double house on Waldschmidtweg with garages several times.

The council argued that the house would be too close to the Kugelmühlbach, which repeatedly overflows its banks in heavy rain.

They didn't want to risk that the homeowners might then make claims for damages against the community.

However, the district building authority as the superordinate authority approved the plans on August 27th.

Building authority director Stephan Lanzinger said that he considered it unlikely that the community could be held liable in the event of a flood.

But Helge Strauss and Thomas Schurz (both CSU) did not want to rely on it.

“That will fall on our feet,” warned Strauss.

Environment officer Christine Mair (Greens) added that apart from the risk of flooding, the project was oversized from her point of view at this point.

The local council voted 10: 5 for a lawsuit.

Tanja Lühr

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