The Limited Times

The Iraqi president calls on the international community to help Iraq fight terrorism

9/23/2020, 9:28:55 PM

Baghdad-SANA, Iraqi President Barham Salih today called on the international community to continue to work on combating terrorism


Iraqi President Barham Salih today called on the international community to continue working to combat terrorism and extremism, warning of the danger of its repercussions on the future of Iraq, the region and the world.

Iraqi Wa’a News Agency quoted Saleh as saying in his speech before the United Nations General Assembly via “video” technology that “Iraq faced before and after the emergence of the Corona epidemic, an epidemic that is no less deadly and a threat to the world, namely terrorism and corruption. Terrorism was militarily defeated and Iraqi cities liberated by the will of our people and the sacrifices of our forces. From the army and the popular crowd, ”warning at the same time that there is war

It is still continuing terrorism and extremism moving across borders and lurking in sleeper cells.

He called on Saleh to learn from the lessons of the past, develop sustainable development goals, and seriously work on the United Nations reform agenda in order to advance the aspirations of the peoples of the world.

Regarding developments in the Palestinian issue, Saleh reiterated the necessity of finding a solution to the Palestinian issue that meets the aspirations and rights of the Palestinian people to establish their independent state, which would help restore stability to the region and the world.