The Limited Times

Fear of a second Ischgl - no après-ski in Austria

9/24/2020, 5:17:49 PM

Tourism is vital for Austria's economy: The country would like to attract winter vacationers to the country. The parties after winter sports are forbidden. The fear of a second Ischgl is too great.

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Swing down the slope.

Enjoy the snowy landscape.

Many people can hardly wait for the next winter vacation.

Due to Corona, an element will be missing in the coming winter 

that for some is apparently just as important as skiing itself.

Original sound Sebastian Kurz, Federal Chancellor Austria: "What will not be possible is après-ski in the way we know it from the past. Here the risk of infection is simply too high."

Dense crowd on terraces and especially in bars - that brings back bad memories of March.

The popular party ski resort Ischgl contributed to spreading the virus via winter sports tourists across Europe.

Something like that shouldn't happen again. 

O-Ton Elisabeth Köstinger, Minister of Tourism Austria: "There will be clear rules that build on what we have already implemented this week. The restriction of groups of people to 10 people, wearing mouth-nose protection whenever you are Moved in a restaurant too. For guests, but of course also for the employees.

The increasing number of infections in Austria prompted the government to take this step.

In the worst case, there could be a lockdown again, the government continues, and that endangers jobs.

Not only in ski tourism: The Alpine republic is particularly popular with Germans as a holiday destination all year round - actually. 

O-Ton Elisabeth Köstinger, Minister of Tourism Austria: "Many of the guests who were actually planning a stay in Vienna, a vacation in Vienna, canceled because of the travel warning from Germany. This is a very threatening situation for us, and we will do everything for it do, just to come back here, bring the number of infections down. " 

Larger outbreaks could also make a winter sports holiday in Austria completely impossible for Germans - regardless of the hygiene concept and apres-ski restrictions.