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Covid-19: Europe 1 makes the mask mandatory in the studio

9/25/2020, 6:00:12 PM

This is a first for a French media. The radio decided to impose the wearing of the mask for two weeks.

Should journalists wear masks on TV sets or in radio studios?

Until now, doctors recommended it, but the media dragged their feet, arguing in particular of the very anxiety-provoking nature of the mask for viewers.

But for the French media, there will have been a before and an after the Laurence Ferrari affair.

The CNews star reporter was placed in a forced fortnight last weekend.

It was declared a “contact case”, after interviewing Bruno Le Maire, who tested positive for Covid-19.

This Thursday, Europe 1 decided to act making it compulsory to wear a mask in its studios for two weeks.

It is the first French media to take such a step.

The same evening, at 6 p.m., Julian Bugier presented his end-of-day diary masked.

Ditto for Matthieu Belliard this Friday during the morning as well as all the programs which followed one another throughout the day.

The rule applies to all those who are several in the same studio, except if this one allows a "great distance" between the speakers, like the Merlin studio where takes place "Le Grand rendez-vous" political Sunday.

Europe Evening now masked!

😷 @ Europe1 @JulianBugier @anissa_haddadi

- ISABELLE MILLET (@IsaMillet) September 24, 2020

“We think that the next 15 days will be quite decisive for the health of our country.

We have a role to play vis-à-vis our fellow citizens.

And it is out of the question to endanger the health of our teams.

It is safer and more respectful to remain masked, as is the case in the rest of the premises since the start of the Covid-19 crisis ”, explains Donat Vidal Revel, the station's director of information. .

His decision is also linked to the management of his radio station.

“Paris is a heightened alert zone and there is no question of our antenna being permanently disrupted, with dozens of employees cloistered at home every week.

Otherwise, it will be a big mess, ”he adds.

Last Friday, Matthieu Belliard discreetly presented his morning show in his garage by suspicion of a "contact case", while Philippe Vandel and his columnists were all this Friday morning live from their homes.

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After a series of “tests”, the management of Europe 1 assures us: “Unlike fabric masks, surgeons do not interfere with the quality of sound.

We realized this with some guests who refused to remove it.

For listeners, it is impossible to realize this.
