The Limited Times

VIDEO. Covid-19 in Marseille: revolted and "exhausted" restaurateurs demonstrate

9/25/2020, 4:53:37 PM

Several hundred restaurateurs, supported by local elected officials of all stripes, gave their voice before the commercial court to p

Several hundred demonstrators gathered on Friday morning in front of the Marseille commercial court to protest against the closure of bars and restaurants decreed by the government, in an attempt to contain the Covid-19 epidemic.

" The cup is full.

We were in the process of remaking ourselves.

Personally, I don't want any more help but that I be allowed to work ”, testified Patrick Labourrasse, restaurateur in Aix-en-Provence.

Marseilles entrepreneurs stepped up to the plate as soon as the government announced strict measures on Wednesday, which classified the Aix-Marseille metropolis in a “maximum alert” zone.

In particular, they provide for the closure of bars and restaurants on Saturday.

The Prime Minister assumed these measures Thursday evening, assuring that the situation was "very worrying in all France" but "especially serious in the big agglomerations", evoking for Marseille "a race against the clock".