The Limited Times

Coronavirus: over a million deaths worldwide

9/29/2020, 4:48:09 PM

The most affected country in absolute terms remains the United States, with over 205,000 deaths and approximately 7.15 million infections. India and Brazil follow. (HANDLE)

The number of coronavirus-related deaths in the world has passed the threshold of one million, according to data from the American University Johns Hopkins.

USA - The most affected country in absolute terms remains the United States, with over 205,000 deaths and approximately 7.15 million infections.

India and Brazil follow.

The total cases of positivity officially registered in the world since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic are over 33.27 million.

United Kingdom - Daily coronavirus infections in the United Kingdom jump to 7,143, a four-month peak, after two days of slowdown also due to the partially delayed statistical collection of the weekend, and in the face of about 200,000 tests performed.

While the deaths in the last 24 hours have risen to 71, by far the highest figure since before the summer.

The national total of hospitalizations in hospitals is also increasing, the total amount of which is just over 2000, and those in intensive care (297).

Israel - The country has overtaken the US in the ratio of deaths from Coronavirus to the number of inhabitants.

At the same time it is at the top of the countries with the highest number of new daily infections, always compared to the population.

This was revealed by a report by the Ministry of Defense according to which based on the average calculated in the last week, for the first time the rate in Israel is 3.5 deaths per million inhabitants while in the US it is about 2.2.

A lockdown is underway in the country until 11 October but it is going towards an extension.

The lockdown in Israel against the spread of the coronavirus will probably last "more than a month" and could "take much longer".

Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu said so confirming what was already anticipated by Health Minister Yuli Edelstein.

Netanyahu then appealed to "all citizens to obey the rules, without exception", adding that economic aid may be withdrawn from businesses that do not comply with the restrictions.

The current lockdown is in effect until 11 October, the end of the Jewish holidays.

Russia - In the last 24 hours there have been 8,232 new cases of Covid-19 and 160 people have died from the disease.

The national anticoronavirus operations center reports this.

From the beginning of the epidemic, according to official data, there are 1,167,805 infections and 20,545 deaths in Russia.

In Moscow alone, 2,300 new cases of Covid-19 were ascertained on the last day and Mayor Serghiei Sobianin announced the closure of schools from 5 to 18 October by extending the autumn school holidays that normally last a week.

Iran - There are 3,677 coronavirus cases registered in the last 24 hours in Iran.

The figure brings the total of infections in the Islamic Republic to 453,637.

New victims amounted to 207. Deaths rose to 25,779 in all.

Intensive care patients increase to 4,079, while those recovered increase to 378,727.

The total tests carried out are 3,986,720.

The spokeswoman for the Iranian Ministry of Health Sima Lari reported this in her daily bulletin.

Meanwhile, in the last few hours, many health workers have raised the alarm about overcrowding in public hospitals, particularly in intensive care wards, urging the authorities to quarantine the capital Tehran, which is among the most affected areas in the Islamic Republic.

Tunisia - The sharp increase in daily cases of coronavirus continues in Tunisia, where in 48 hours (according to data referring to 27 and 28 September), another 1291 infections were recorded, bringing the total of confirmed infections in the North African country to 17,405.

This was announced by the Ministry of Health of Tunis in a statement, specifying that the death toll has risen to 246, of which 32 in 48 hours.

Of the people who still test positive, 331 are hospitalized, 87 in resuscitation and 42 in assisted breathing.

The swabs carried out since the beginning of the epidemic are 229,740.

The President of the Republic Kais Saied at a meeting of the National Security Council said that the use of the general curfew measure throughout the national territory is not excluded if the epidemiological situation were to worsen further.

From 28 September for those arriving from Italy in Tunisia, in addition to the obligation to submit the negative Rt-Pcr test, there is an obligation of home self-isolation for seven days.

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