The Limited Times

Andreas Kölbl crowns an almost perfect season

10/1/2020, 7:53:46 AM

Athlete Andreas Kölbl has already shown strong performances over the past few weeks. At the Bavarian championship in Erding, he now crowned his season.

Athlete Andreas Kölbl has already shown strong performances over the past few weeks.

At the Bavarian championship in Erding, he now crowned his season.

Penzberg - This athletics season is a special one for Andreas Kölbl - and that's not because of Corona.

The 26-year-old from TSV Penzberg has set best times and club records and has won numerous medals.

At the athletics championships in Braunschweig, the Sindelsdorfer convinced with seventh place over the 400 meter hurdles, his favorite discipline.

In the semifinals he had set a personal best (52.61 seconds).

Kölbl is now top on various running routes - he now proved that at the Bavarian championship for adults in Erding.

There he crowned "an almost perfect season" with two golds and one bronze, said TSV coach Markus Brennauer.

On the first day of the competition, Kölbl was still disappointed.

In adverse conditions (rain and temperatures around six degrees Celsius), he only took fourth place over the 400 meters with a moderate 50.67 seconds.

Kölbl started the race too aggressively.

"I was also pretty cold before the start, which I hadn't noticed because of my nervousness," said the 26-year-old.

After 200 meters he was still in second place, just behind World Cup participant Armando Creve Machava (TS Herzogenaurach), who won with 48.39 seconds.

"I just couldn't go on the home straight", said Kölbl.

He had to let Leo Schramm (LG Bamberg) and Quirin Kappelmeier (LG Dachau district) pass by.

TSV Penzberg: Andreas Kölbl wins gold over 400 meter hurdles and 800 meters

Somewhat doubtful, he then went to the starting block over the 400 meter hurdles on the second day.

But already after four hurdles it was clear that no one would be able to beat him.

The man from Sindelsdorf got faster from hurdle to hurdle and, with 53.16 seconds, overtook Michael Adolf (DJK Ingolstadt) in fifth place by more than three seconds.

“Today I felt really good.

Of course you shouldn't overestimate the gap to Michael, after all, after a four-week break, he's not really in shape, ”said Kölbl.

Inspired by the success, the TSV athlete decided to start over the 110 meter hurdles.

At this distance, which he had seldom run before, he took bronze in 15.33 seconds.

At the finish, only two hundredths separated him from the silver medal, but only two hundredths from fourth place.

Almost 90 minutes later, Kölbl faced the 800 meter competition and gave them no chance.

A little tired from his mammoth program, he first placed himself in the midfield.

"With 300 meters to go I just had to pick up the pace, otherwise I might have been trapped," said Kölbl.

100 meters later he had brought 15 meters between himself and the rest of the field and crossed the finish line after 1: 56.37 minutes with his arm stretched upwards.

Silver went to Maximilian Feuer (LAC Passau / 1: 57.46).