The Limited Times

Another femicide in Palpalá: they found the body of Gabriela Cruz who had been missing for a week

10/1/2020, 2:47:40 PM

The 24-year-old woman was intensely wanted. Her ex-partner would have confessed to the crime. On Monday, in the same town, Iara Rueda, 16, was found murdered.

10/01/2020 - 11:27

  • Clarí

  • Society

Gabriela Cruz

, a 24-year-old girl, disappeared since last September 24, was found murdered near the Serranías de Zapla, in the Jujuy city of


, and her ex-partner was arrested.

It is the second femicide in the same town in less than a week, after the crime of Iara Rueda, 16 years old. 

Cruz, who

was last seen a week ago

when she went shopping at the corner of her home in the Santa Bárbara neighborhood at night, was intensely wanted by more than 200 police officers, neighbors and a desperate mother.

That night she left her 4 and 7 year old children at home.

The discovery of the body occurred at dawn this Thursday in an area of ​​thick vegetation where the police, by court order, carried out rakes in search of the young woman, after obtaining information about the existence of a body in that area.

"A fairly meticulous work was carried out, it had been identified approximately where a body could be," said Investigative Prosecutor Darío Osinaga Gallacher.

The tasks in the place were carried out by personnel from the Criminalist and the Public Prosecutor's Office, along with firefighters.

Gabriela Abigail Cruz, 24, disappeared on September 24 when she went to the business on the corner of her house in Palpalá.

Photo: Facebook

In the context of the case for the disappearance of the 24-year-old girl,

her ex-partner had been detained

, who, according to the prosecutor, "would have incurred repeated contradictions," since first he said he did not know anything and then admitted to having had an argument with she.

The newspaper

El Tribuno

 reported this Thursday that the 23-year-old man, who after being delayed was released and even participated in the rakes and marches that were made for his ex-partner to appear,

would have


confessed to the crime


It would also have been he, identified as Matías F., who gave the precision of where Gabriela's body was.

Silvia, the victim's mother, had said that her daughter and this young man had been

separated for three months

and that it was a toxic relationship.

Gabriela Abigail Cruz, 24, disappeared on September 24 when she went to the business on the corner of her house in Palpalá.

Photo: Facebook

The raking in search of Gabriela had begun last Monday in the 2 de Abril neighborhood of Palpalá, but the discovery of the body of Iara Rueda, half-buried in a field, interrupted the tasks.

Finally on Tuesday the search operations were resumed until at dawn on Thursday the body was found.

The body found in Palpalá was transferred to the Jujuy Judicial Branch morgue, where an autopsy will be carried out to determine the causes of death.

Cruz's crime is added to that of Iara Sabrina Rueda, the 16-year-old teenager who had been missing since Wednesday, September 23 and was finally found strangled last Monday.

It is also

the fourth femicide

that occurs in the province of Jujuy in just 22 days.

Those of Cruz and Rueda joined that of

Ceisa Reinaga (20)

, who was found on September 9 in Abra Pampa and the main suspect is a 14-year-old boy, the son of a councilwoman.

The other was Roxana Mazala (31), from the Exodus Jujeño neighborhood of the city of Perico, who on Tuesday, September 29, was poisoned by her 36-year-old husband, who later committed suicide. 

In the last ten years in Argentina there is an average of one femicide every 30 hours.

According to statistics from the Office of Domestic Violence of the Supreme Court, in 2018 alone there were 278. Most murders occur in the homes of the victims and are committed by partners or exes.

Where to call

Line 144

Care for women in situations of violence.

Line 137

Attention to Victims of Family Violence.

911 Emergencies


Look also

Jujuy: a teenager who had been missing for five days in Palpalá was found murdered

Another woman was the victim of an apparent femicide in Jujuy and her partner committed suicide

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