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Avivit Bar Zohar: "The head of a mafia blew me up" Israel today

10/1/2020, 2:56:47 PM

| nativeThe celebrity revealed how spending time at a New York club ended in a riot, after getting into an argument with a mobster's girlfriend • "It was the dumbest act in the world" • Watch Not for the faint of heart: This is what Avivit Bar-Zohar warned her 415,000 followers on Instagram last night, before revealing in a long story a violent incident in which she was involved in a hip-hop club in New

The celebrity revealed how spending time at a New York club ended in a riot, after getting into an argument with a mobster's girlfriend • "It was the dumbest act in the world" • Watch

Not for the faint of heart:

This is what Avivit Bar-Zohar warned her 415,000 followers on Instagram last night, before revealing in a long story a violent incident in which she was involved in a hip-hop club in New York.

"This is one of the biggest traumas of my life," Bar Zohar began, continuing to say that she flew to visit a friend in New York and during the visit she met a guy.

One evening they went out to a club of Israelis and from there decided to continue to a hip hop club.

From then on the plot began to get complicated.

Bar Zohar was seated at a table that she was sure was reserved for her and her friends, but says there were other people there that she did not know and seemed to have no intention of moving.

Bar Zohar insisted on staying at the table, drinking and enjoying herself, until suddenly a girl stood next to her who she said did not like her and she moved her buttocks.

Bar Zohar did not keep quiet about the gesture, and returned it in the same way.

From there things began to take a frightening and violent turn.

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The girl, who was already heated on a glamorous bar by this point, pulled at her hair and she in response poured her glass of grapefruit vodka over her head.

"Suddenly I felt a headache," she went on to describe the situation, which at this point had become frightening and violent on a life-threatening level.

"Someone started slapping me, and beating, and beating, the earring was ripped from my ear and they just blew me up. It wasn't the girl, it was her boyfriend."

Bar Zohar went on to say that the same boyfriend, was in fact the girl's partner and held a very dubious title: the head of the Colombian mafia, the celebrity claims.

According to her, the same man, whom she described as a giant two meters tall, continued to beat her to death, and her luck was that he threw her at one point on the table, otherwise she would have ended the evening in sorting in a difficult situation.

After throwing it on the table, security arrived and she was evacuated through the kitchen.

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The guy she came with ran away from the place, while the friend she was spending time with was angry at Bar Zohar, as she says she seeks to be the focus of attention wherever she goes.

"To this day, I'm afraid to go back to New York. It's the most horrible experience of my life," she said at the end of the story.

"I haven't been to New York since and it's still one of my biggest traumas."

Bar Zohar says she was afraid to even go to the hospital to check the severity of her injuries and did not officially file a complaint with the police due to the fear of messing with him.

She ended the story with a message to her followers: "Do not go with a person you do not know. It was the stupidest act in the world."