The Limited Times

FIFA Approves: Third Transfer Window in Israel | Israel Today

10/1/2020, 2:56:53 PM

FIFA granted an additional transfer date of 11 days, with the renewal of the league at the end of the closure • The current transfer date will end at 6.10 | Israeli football

FIFA granted an additional transfer date of 11 days, with the renewal of the league at the end of the tight closure • The current transfer date will end on 6.10 (and not on 12.10 as planned)

  • Elon Almog.

    Another window where the champion can get stronger


    Ami fat

FIFA this evening (Thursday) approved the Football Association's request in light of the exceptional situation in Israel for new transfer dates, and a letter on the subject was forwarded to the teams.

Bottom line, FIFA granted an additional 11-day transfer date, with the league resuming at the end of the tight closure. It should be noted that the current transfer date will end on 6.10 (and not on 12.10 as planned).

Ratam Kemar, CEO of the association: "FIFA's quick decision on the issue will help Israeli football maintain equality between the teams as well as in the face of rivalries in European factories. We all hope for a speedy return to training and games, and the association will continue to work with all parties, including, of course, FIFA and the UEFA, in order to reduce as much as possible the serious damage to local football at all levels. "