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Grotto: "I will not recommend to the Minister of Health to allow group training" | Israel today

10/1/2020, 11:59:40 AM

| Israeli soccerMembers of the Constitution Committee overwhelmingly supported MK Gideon Saar's proposal to exclude the professional leagues, but the Deputy Director General of the Ministry of Health objected: "Weights can be lifted to keep fit" • Danny Franco responded on Twitter: "Grotto submits hanging rope to basketball" Grotto. Did not accept the opinion of the Knesset members in the committee Photography

Members of the Constitution Committee overwhelmingly supported MK Gideon Saar's proposal to exclude the professional leagues, but the Deputy Director General of the Ministry of Health objected: "Weights can be lifted to keep fit" • Danny Franco responded on Twitter: "Grotto submits hanging rope to basketball"

  • Grotto.

    Did not accept the opinion of the Knesset members in the committee


    Adina Wellman, Spokeswoman for the Knesset

Will all Premier League football and basketball players receive a special exception and be able to return to full training during the closure?

MK Gideon Saar made the proposal in question today before the Knesset's Constitution Committee, which deals with regulations restricting activity and restrictions in the workplace. 

MK Saar's proposal receives widespread support from the majority of committee members headed by MK Yaakov Asher.

The supporters are Ayelet Shaked, Karin Elharar, Ofer Kasif, Yoav Saglovich, Osnat Mark and Ariel Kellner.

One who strongly opposes the proposal is the Deputy Director General of the Ministry of Health, Professor Itamar Grotto, who was asked by the committee to consult with Health Minister Yuli Edelstein, but said he would not recommend the minister exclude professional sports, except for the existing exclusion of groups participating in international factories.

Grotto explained that at the moment the training includes leaving the house and gathering without wearing a mask, and therefore harming the fight in Corona.

According to him, athletes can maintain fitness individually by lifting weights and personal training.

Grotto responded to the Knesset members' claims and said "in Europe they stopped training and returned after a few months, so to say that stopping training" will destroy everything "is an exaggeration."

The committee members also claimed that if the exception is not granted, they will vote against the amendment proposed by the government, which means that regulations that were in force on the eve of changes in legislation, including training of children, youth, amateurs, women, professional leagues, etc., can practice again immediately.

If that happens, it will be tens of thousands of people who can train again, so MK Saar suggested excluding the professional leagues or at least the first league in football and basketball. 

After the discussion in the Constitution Committee, Danny Franco, Nahariya's municipal coach, wrote on Twitter: "Grotto has already excluded the sport! The team is playing. 4 out of 13 Premier League teams train, fly, and are hosted in Europe. "With all his might to keep the instructions of the corona, the noose. In life there is no insurance certificate, but there is logic. Irrationality builds chaos."

Betar Jerusalem goalkeeper Itamar Nitzan responded to Grotto's remarks on his Twitter account:

Prof. Grotto, whose understanding of professional sports strives for zero, is the only one who strongly opposes.

The reasoning: "It is dangerous to run alone and do weights."

Maybe he should listen to his own recommendations. "

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