The Limited Times

These are ICE's new tactics to stop immigrants

10/1/2020, 8:17:52 PM

Alex Gálvez, an immigration attorney, revealed what ICE's new tactics are to detain immigrants and what they can do if they are detained.

The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) operation prepares a series of raids in the country's 'sanctuary' cities, according to The Washington Post. 

According to the publication, the administration of President

Donald Trump

prepares these operations for this month and it is believed that they could start this week in the city of Los Angeles, and then continue in Denver and Philadelphia.

For this reason, immigration lawyer

Alex Gálvez

revealed to Un Nuevo Día what the agency's new tactics are to detain immigrants and explained what they can do if they are detained.

Watch the related video:

ICE prepares raids of immigrants in 'sanctuary cities', according to 'The Washington Post' 

The expert revealed that, although the people know that they should not open the door if immigration comes to their house, one of the new tactics is that agents are waiting for people to enter their car, either to go to work or to supermarket, for once inside, stop them.

While the second is that, once people are arrested, they are intimidated into signing, telling them that they could spend up to half a year in detention before they can see a judge.

"If you are detained, you have the right to request bail. Generally, detainees last two weeks to request bail with the judge. Do not think that they will be imprisoned for months," he warned.

In addition to this, Gálvez stressed that people are not obliged to provide information or sign documents.

"Your signature is not necessary to ask to speak to a judge, request a bond, or ask to speak with your immigration attorney," he said.

Watch the related video:

California will continue to be a “sanctuary” city for the undocumented 

Gálvez also advised that, because a federal judge blocked the increase in the new fees for immigration procedures, take advantage of the time to submit the pertinent applications without paying the new fees.

See also:

Alert of phone scams impersonating immigration

What to do if an immigration agent contacts you?

Immigration presents delays in procedures due to COVID-19

Related video: “Sanctuary” cities: lawyer explains how the Supreme Court ruling benefits you