The Limited Times

Usa 2020: Cnbc survey, Biden ahead by 13 points

10/1/2020, 7:20:46 PM

According to the latest Cnbc and Change Research survey completed after the TV challenge on Tuesday evening, in the race for the American presidential elections, one month after the vote, Joe Biden is ahead of 13 points with 54% of the votes, against 41% of Donald Trump. . (HANDLE)

In the latest Cnbc and Change Research survey completed after the TV challenge on Tuesday evening, in the run for the American presidential elections, one month after the vote, Joe Biden is ahead of 13 points with 54% of the votes, against 41% of Donald Trump.

In the first poll published after the TV duel between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, that of YouGov conducted on behalf of the Economist, the Democratic candidate appears in the lead by eight points.

Biden in fact gets 50% of the votes, against Trump's 42%.

For the specialized site RealClearPolitics, which calculates the average of the main polls, Biden, a little more than a month after the vote, rises with an advantage of 6.6 points over the president in office.

According to FiveThirtyEight, the company headed by polling guru Nate Silver, former Vice President Biden has a 79.8% chance of winning the constituency, winning 352 out of 538 votes.

FiveThirtyEight's forecasting model predicts Donald Trump's 19.7% chance of winning, down from 21.3%.

On the popular vote front, the president has a 10.1% chance of winning the popular vote, compared to Biden's 89.9%.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump intervenes with a post on the controversy of the television debate against his rival.

"Why should I allow the debates committee to change the rules for the second and third debates when I have easily won the first?"

tweets Trump after the presidential debates commission paved the way for a format review after the chaos of the first duel between Trump and Joe Biden.

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