The Limited Times

PSG-OM: Sakai exonerates Neymar of any racist insult

10/2/2020, 5:32:41 AM

The OM defender exonerated the Brazilian from Paris SG, suspected of having uttered racist insults during the last match between the two teams.

Belated confession or "ordered" truth?

Still, Hiroki Sakai denied Thursday night any racist insults from Neymar during the hot Paris SG-OM on September 13 (0-1).

“The last two weeks have been difficult, but I'm happy to hear that the two players (Neymar and Alvaro) in question have not been punished.

No one told me anything discriminatory.

We just had a little clash in a match that suddenly got carried away, ”said the Japanese in a statement released on his instagram account.

With these words, the Marseillais totally exonerates the Brazilian from Paris SG, some videos of which had suggested that he had insulted his opponent as "shitty Chinese" during the meeting.

See this post on Instagram

こ の 2 週 間, 中 々 サ ッ カ ー に 集中 で き る 環境 で は あ り ま せ ん で し た が 対 象 の 2 人 の 選手 に 制裁 が な か っ た こ と に 安 堵 し て お り ま す. 今 回 の 件 に 関 し て で す が も し 仮 ​​に 何 か 言 わ れ た と し て も お 互 い熱 く な っ て い る 試 合 中 の 些 細 な 出来 事 で あ り 差別 と は 全 く 関係 あ り ま せ ん. も う 全 て 終 わ っ た 事 で あ り 今 回 は マ ル セ イ ユ が 勝 っ た と い う だ け の 事 で す. ま た 伝 統 あ る マ ル セ イ ユ と パ リ の 熱 い ダ ー ビ ー を 皆 さ ま にお 見 せ で き る よ う 引 き 続 き 努力 し て い き ま す! The last 2 weeks were difficult, but I am happy to hear that the two players in question were not punished this time.

Nobody said anything discriminating to me.

We just had a little argument in a match that suddenly got a little emotional.

Now everything's finished the only important thing is that Marseille won the match.

From next time, I will again do my best to offer you an exciting OM vs PSG derby!


A post shared by Hiroki Sakai 酒井 宏 樹 (@ hiroki.sakai_19) on Oct 1, 2020 at 8:25 am PDT


Alvaro Gonzalez relieved:" The nightmare is partly over "

A press release that seems to put an end to the various controversies born after this famous Classic.

As a reminder, Wednesday evening, neither the superstar of Paris SG Neymar, nor the Marseillais Alvaro Gonzalez, accused of having made discriminatory remarks during the stormy PSG-OM of September 13, had been sanctioned by the disciplinary commission The Brazilian was accused of having exchanged homophobic and racist remarks towards Alvaro Gonzalez and Hiroki Sakai, but the disciplinary committee found an "unreliability" of the expert report, and an absence of "correlation" between the hearings of the two players and the conclusions of this report, according to its chairman Sébastien Deneux.

This Friday, Neymar, after serving two suspension matches for his expulsion against OM, is expected with Paris SG against Angers.

Finally, football will take over.

Read also

  • No sanction for Neymar and Alvaro after the volcanic PSG-OM

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