The Limited Times

40% of respondents expect employers to push flexible working hours. Four types of behaviors that are difficult to match their bosses in the eyes of post-90s|Japan Today

10/4/2020, 10:11:42 PM

Recently, the “Youth Innovation and Research Library” established by the Youth Research Center of the Youth Association published a survey on the “New Normal in the Workplace”. The results indicated that more than 40% of the respondents wanted employers to arrange “flexible commuting hours”, and more than 20% hoped that

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Author: Silence is tangerine

2020-10-05 06:00

Last update date: 2020-10-05 06:00

Recently, the “Youth Innovation and Research Library” established by the Youth Research Center of the Youth Association published a survey on the “New Normal in the Workplace”. The results indicated that more than 40% of the respondents wanted employers to arrange “flexible commuting hours”, and more than 20% wanted to be at home or Remote office.

Whether you can get a reasonable work arrangement in extraordinary times depends very much on whether you have a good boss.

Earlier in Japan, the conflict between a boss and his subordinates caused heated discussions among netizens. Netizens even cited a number of difficult behaviors by their bosses. I believe that many Hong Kong workers also resonate.

Uenuma Emiko is a senior Japanese artist, and often invites staff to eat to comfort them.

(Online picture)

Earlier, a Japanese magazine reported that the veteran artist Emiko Uenuma often invited the staff to eat in high-end restaurants, which caused dissatisfaction.

The reason is that Emiko Kaminuma ordered too much food, and the staff had to bite the bullet and finish eating even if they couldn't eat it.

After the report was reported that Numae wanted to come out to apologize, it also aroused widespread discussion among Japanese netizens. Is it really popular with young people that bosses often ask for meals?

The Japanese morning show "グットラック" conducted street interviews on this subject, and it turned out that many young people actually don't like the boss to ask for a meal.

It turns out that many seemingly ordinary behaviors are dissatisfied by young people who roll in the workplace, but they must obey because of Japanese class culture.

Another variety show "Ota Hakusan ウイカのはなつまみ" also counted a few new generations of hating their bosses. Do you feel the same?

👇👇👇 Click on the picture to see 4 behaviors that hate your boss👇👇👇




Additional screening at the same scene: Japanese count 11 children born in the 90s

People always like to cherish the old time, the past is good.

Japan entered a new era of Reiwa last year, and many netizens lamented the rapid changes in the times.

Earlier on Twitter, a Hashtag called "Showa Sheng ま れ" emerged. A large number of netizens posted trends in life from the old Showa era, many of which are childhood memories that resonate with Hong Kong people.

👇👇👇 Click on the picture to see 11 nostalgic trends👇👇👇




Click here to read the full text 👉👉👉 Japanese counted 11 children born in the 90s and Hong Kong netizens were surprised: it is all our childhood memories!

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Japan Today Japan Workplace Workplace Culture Workplace Communication