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Anger in Arab society over GSS follow-up to explain corona crisis: "Racist decision" - Walla! News

10/4/2020, 7:27:11 PM

Civil rights organizations, heads of local authorities and MKs came out against the IDF's use of the organization's veterans to gather information on Arabs and Druze as part of the fight against the plague, which was exposed in Walla! NEWS. They demand that Netanyahu, Ganz and the ombudsman cancel the move, and will ask for a debate in the Knesset on the issue. "This is about crossing red lines."

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Fury in Arab society over GSS follow-up to explain corona crisis: "Racist decision"

Civil rights organizations, heads of local authorities and MKs came out against the IDF's use of the organization's veterans to gather information on Arabs and Druze as part of the fight against the plague, which was exposed in Walla!


They demand that Netanyahu, Ganz and the ombudsman cancel the move, and will ask for a debate in the Knesset on the issue. "This is about crossing red lines."


  • The Arab sector

  • Corona virus

  • IDF

  • GSS

  • Druze

  • Arabs

  • HFC

Yoav Itiel

Sunday, 04 October 2020, 22:05

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In the video: Corona eruption at an institution for the helpless in Yarka (Photo: Yoav Itiel, Editing: Assaf Drori)

Civil rights organizations, members of the Knesset and the Committee of Heads of Arab Authorities in Israel today (Sunday) expressed outrage following the exposure of Walla!

NEWS that HFC recruits from ISA to monitor the public in the Arab and Druze sectors. However, in order to build practices and as part of the publicity effort to eradicate the epidemic of sources. Arab society claimed that it was a violation of basic human rights, crossing the red line and racism, and are demanding to stop the move.

Adalah The Arab Minority Rights Legal Center has announced that it will require Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Bnei Gantz and Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit to ban the continued collection of information by military means. "The home front as defined in the law - but proves once again that the regime in Israel continues to treat Arab citizens with hostility and security control as in the days of the military administration," said the director of the Adalah Center, Adv. Hassan Jabarin.

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"The IDF's entry into Arab society is perceived as rejection and suspicion." Home Front Command in Yarka, last week (Photo: Yoav Itiel)

"It has only recently become clear that the Ministry of Education continues to consult with GSS officials, after we had already had to petition the High Court years ago to stop its intervention in the appointment of teachers," he added.

"If the government wants to stop the spread of the corona among Arab citizens, it must see them as equal citizens. We have been warned since the beginning of this crisis that once the government involves security institutions in civilian emergencies, the road to military repression and basic human rights is short."

The chairman of the Committee of the Heads of the Arab Authorities in Israel and the head of the Arara local council, Adv. Modar Yunis, also explained that the use of GSS personnel to stop the spread of the corona in the Arab sector is unacceptable and thwarts the entire move. "Rejection and suspicion, because after all, this is the Israeli army that is perceived as the army of occupation," said Younes.

"In the circumstances of the Corona, the entry of the Home Front Command was of course seen as a simple necessity and to deal with the epidemic. But any information or needs of Arab society should come from its people, and certainly not by outsiders and more so not such and other GSS present or past."

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"The road to military repression and violation of basic human rights is short."

East Jerusalem (Photo: Roni Kanfo)

The founder of the Front for the Defense of Democracy, Uri Zaki, said that the state must be careful not to infringe on the rights of Arab society.

"The fact that even during a health crisis, looking at the Arab public in Israel through intelligence services and thwarting terrorist activity is insane," Zaki claimed.

"If the purpose for which the manpower is required is in accordance with what is declared by the Home Front Command, then there are candidates in the Arab public who can assist the national effort in their public, without introducing an element of espionage against civilians."

He added that "precisely during an epidemic and crisis, which are fertile ground for violating basic human rights due to the state of emergency, extreme care must be taken not to cross red lines. This step joins other measures such as GSS telephone call and restrictions on freedom of demonstration in Knesset legislation.

We call on Defense Minister Ganz to order a halt to the move.

"Tag Meir, an organization that works against hate crimes, said that the move gives Arab citizens in the State of Israel a feeling that they are a" fifth corps. "" Reminder: 30% of doctors "Maintenance and administration workers in the health system are Arabs," he said. "Which department in the GSS monitors the ultra-Orthodox?"

"The enemy is the virus - not the citizens."

Corona tests in Jaljulia (Photo: Reuven Castro)

MK Ahmad Tibi (joint list) condemned the recruitment of GSS veterans to monitor the Arab and Druze public.

"This is a scandalous thing, we are in 2020 and the military administration is long over," he told Walla!


"Whoever made such a decision acted with stupidity, arrogance and racism, driven by a stereotype that the Arab is always a security threat."

He added that to Gantz and asked to stop the move immediately.

The Deputy Speaker of the Knesset, MK Hemed Amar (Yisrael Beiteinu), announced that he would submit a query on the subject to the Minister of Defense.

He even said that he would like to hold a debate in the Knesset.

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"A move that gives Arabs in Israel a feeling that they are a fifth corps."

Heat tests in Deir al-Assad (Photo: Basel Awidat, Flash 90)

MK Aida Toma Suleiman (the joint list) also joined the condemnation of the move, claiming that it was a move that undermines the trust of Arab society. "This is how the logic of a government that does not see Arabs as equal citizens works.

"Instead of recruiting Arab experts for the information craft, they recruit GSS members, as if the people who are supposed to spy on the Arab public know him better than the experts in the public itself," she said.

"The way of thinking of a military government permeates the treatment of Corona, and crumbles the shaky trust as well."

"The most necessary piece of information is on how this government has abandoned all citizens, and Arab citizens in particular. This crisis should have been used to correct years of discrimination and widening gaps, but instead espionage against citizens. This is a dangerous development in eroding civil space. "Under the state of emergency. The enemy is the virus - not the citizens."

The Home Front Command is recruiting GSS veterans to the IDF desk in charge of "formulating a situation among the various sectors of the population."

Officially, the body's goal is to build courses of action and formulate message content for the various sectors, as part of the information efforts for the Arab public in this field.

At first, the IDF denied the recruitment of GSS personnel, but later agreed to admit that inquiries had been made to people from the world of intelligence.

Thus, the Home Front Command appeals to GSS coordinators and desks "with experience and specialization in Israeli Arabs", with an emphasis on the villages of the Galilee and the Golan Heights ("including Druze"); the Wadi Ara and the Triangle area; and East Jerusalem. Those GSS members will be based on visible sources of information and "field factors", and therefore "familiarity with Arab society and culture is required."

Recruitment notice of the Home Front Command

The Home Front Command, which is mostly based on reservists in the field of information as well, says that inquiries have been made to find people with suitable qualifications from other fields, and not just from the world of intelligence.

For example, they say, recruiters from the media field are journalists for the writing and production fields, as well as analysts.

They add that it also made reference to the retiree ISA unions' communication analysis - processing information into a snapshot to consolidate the information needs of different audiences. "However, reference discloses that it is not just the analysis - by picking.

This raises concerns about That no similar appeal was made to Arab citizens, in order to find candidates with familiarity with the sector, and there is a preference for GSS veterans, most of whom are Jews and whose skill in this area is in thwarting subversive activity against the state - and not in civil matters.

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