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Corona situation in EU is coming to a head: Many neighboring countries of Germany are currently hard hit

10/4/2020, 7:35:48 PM

The corona situation is worsening in many countries - also and especially in neighboring countries of Germany. A look at selected areas in which there has recently been a rapid increase in new infections.

The corona situation is worsening in many countries - also and especially in neighboring countries of Germany.

A look at selected areas in which there has recently been a rapid increase in new infections.

Munich - The Robert Koch Institute * reported 2,279 new corona cases in Germany on Sunday morning (October 4).

Because not all health authorities reliably deliver their data on weekends, it can be assumed that the actual numbers are even in a slightly higher range.

Nonetheless, the situation in Germany is tense, but not entirely worrying.

This is also shown by a look at other European countries - where the situation is much more precarious.

Corona in France: Almost 17,000 new infections - Grande Nation breaks next record

In Germany's largest neighboring country,


, the

corona situation is

getting worse.

With 16,972 new corona infections within 24 hours, the EU country set a new

daily record

on Saturday 


The government around

President Emmanuel Macron

is called upon to avoid conditions similar to those at the pandemic wedding in spring.

But whether politicians will succeed is at least questionable in view of the increasing number of cases.

The inadequate health system makes things even more difficult.

Health officials and unions believe that


hospitals are poorly prepared for a second wave *.

Too few intensive care beds and too few staff would cause concern.

Although there are still many free places in the country's intensive care units, the increasing number of acute emergency patients could pulverize this supposed cushion.

Corona in Spain: metropolis of millions back in lockdown - all of Madrid is sealed off


was and is severely affected by



The capital

Madrid is

increasingly becoming

the country's

corona hotspot


Due to the enormously high number of infections, the metropolis has been in a new


since Friday (October 2nd)


Madrid and the surrounding areas are cordoned off.

You are only allowed to enter or leave these cities with good reason - for example,

 to drive



or to see 



A look at the daily new infections shows that the situation among the Iberians is anything but rosy.

On Saturday this number was again in the five-digit range.

In addition to a tense local political situation, 11,325 new cases also result in a

travel warning

for the entire country.

In addition to the mainland, this also applies to the Balearic Islands, which are popular with German holidaymakers.


Hardly anyone is out and about at Madrid's south bus station on the second day of the new mobility restrictions.

Jesús Hellín / EUROPA PRESS / dpa

© Jesús Hellín / EUROPA PRESS / dpa

Corona in the Netherlands

The corona numbers in the


had recently skyrocketed.

One border region after the other with Germany was therefore declared a

corona risk






on the North Sea coast are not yet affected.

Until recently, only three out of twelve

Dutch provinces

were classified as risk areas.

In response to rising numbers of infections, politicians reacted the previous week and tightened the measures.

An earlier tattoo in bars and pubs as well as stricter rules for public events such as football games now apply.

A total of 19,326 new infections were added from September 23 to 29.

According to the health authority, there were 13,471 within the seven days before.

Corona in the Czech Republic: From model pupil to problem case

It is actually somewhat surprising that the

Czech Republic

is currently so badly affected by



The government around

Prime Minister Andrej Babis

was considered a pioneer in terms of

pandemic containment

, was the first to introduce a general

mask requirement

and felt confirmed thanks to the low number of infections.

A good six months later, however, the tide has turned.


Foreign Office

warns "due to the high number of infections against unnecessary tourist trips" in the entire Czech Republic.

The current developments in the 10-million-inhabitant country prove the federal authority right.

Because the

Czech Republic

recorded 3,793 new corona cases on Friday - and thus a new record.

According to the World Health Organization, the country also has a 14-day incidence of 302. In Europe, only



Andorra have

worse values.

Corona in Slovakia: New daily record - is the mood changing?

In the Czech Republic's neighboring country,


, the

second wave is




Within 24 hours,

704 new corona infections were


on Saturday 

, which is the highest level since the outbreak of the pandemic.

Slovakia has not yet been


as a



That may change now.

Regional focal points so far have been the greater

Bratislava area

and the

Sillein / Žilina district

, where the number of infections has risen to critical levels.


What's next

The Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (m) and the Slovak Prime Minister Igor Matovic (l) as well as his Czech counterpart Andrej Babis discuss the cooperation in the fight against Covid-19.

© Herbert Pfarrhofer / APA / dpa

Corona in Poland: The situation is precarious - three days in a row new record values

The countries east of


are currently facing major problems.

In addition to the

Czech Republic





is also struggling

with a rapid increase in new infections.

A new high of new cases was reported on Saturday for the third day in a row.

The 2,367 new cases roughly correspond to




However, the Federal Republic has more than twice as many inhabitants as



In summary, it can be said that the number of cases has recently soared in some areas.

But how significant are these developments?

When looking at the 14-day incidence of the WHO, it is at least noticeable that the situation in many of the countries presented is extremely precarious.

Corona in Europe: 14-day incidence (as of October 4, source: WHO)

1. Andorra

: 708 cases per 100,000 population

2. Montenegro

: 517

3. Czech Republic

: 302

4. France

: 252

5. Spain

: 238

7. Netherlands

: 233

19. Slovakia

: 106

32. Poland

: 52

40. Germany

: 40

Most of the countries listed are extremely bad compared to other European countries.

If the development in Poland and Slovakia continues after the record values, they will probably climb one or the other place in these statistics.




has to be careful not to underestimate the pandemic.


The daily new infections per 1,000,000 inhabitants. **

© Screenshot Our World in Data

The graphic shown shows the

incidences of the WHO


In the countries presented, the corona numbers have recently risen sharply.

(as) * is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network

** Note: The Netherlands and Spain are almost on the same level as the Czech Republic and are therefore not shown for reasons of space. 

List of rubric lists: © Screenshot Our World in Data

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