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Covid-19: Donald Trump's doctors try to allay the concern

10/4/2020, 7:17:42 PM

The state of health of the American president, suffering from Covid-19, is improving and he could leave the hospital on Monday, according to his team m

" Thank you very much!

Donald Trump sent a thank-you tweet on Sunday morning October 4 to his supporters gathered outside Walter Reed Military Hospital in Maryland, where the President of the United States was admitted Friday after announcing that he had contracted Covid-19.

The state of health of the tenant of the White House "continues to improve," said his doctor Sean P. Conley, during a press conference at the end of the morning.

He has not had a fever since Friday morning and travels normally in his medical suite.

On the medication side, Donald Trump received a second dose of remdesivir on Saturday evening, as part of a treatment scheduled over five days.

The doctors also gave him steroids.

If all goes well, the president could be released from the hospital on Monday, according to Dr Conley, who was however unclear on the state of the head of state's lungs.

Contradictions that heighten uncertainty

News channels are looping on the subject and American journalists remain cautious.

Indeed, the same Sean P. Conley had tangled his brushes, Saturday afternoon, on the date of Trump's positive test.

As for the latter's chief of staff, Mark Meadows, he declared the same day to the press, on condition of anonymity, that the president's vital signs had been "alarming".

Once unmasked, he contradicted himself by assuring that the president was going "very well", becoming at the same time the least reliable source of the White House!


America tracks down clues to the president's state of health

Two photos of Donald Trump, published Saturday evening by his teams, show him working in two separate places, dressed differently.

But analysis of the metadata of these snapshots shows that they were taken ten minutes apart.

Zooming in on one of them, we see that the sheet that the president is signing is in fact a blank document.

A chaotic communication operation that adds to the uncertainty.

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 3, 2020

Sean P. Conley and the army of white coats at the bedside of the US president tried to give some explanation on Sunday.

Trump's oxygen level did drop twice, Friday and Saturday.

This need for oxygen and his high fever were at the origin of the decision to hospitalize him on Friday.

He has been doing better since then.

A blow to the campaign

Still, with less than a month of the US presidential election, and with 3.2 million Americans having already voted, this "October surprise" is a blow to the Republican campaign.

Alarming figures were released on Sunday morning.

A poll, carried out by Ipsos-Reuters after the announcement of the positive coronavirus test, places Democrat Joe Biden ten points ahead of Donald Trump at the national level.

Which suggests that the billionaire's state of health did not elicit significant sympathy among voters.

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The holding of the debate scheduled for October 15 in Miami remains uncertain at this point.

Joe Biden is on standby, his team said.

Long criticized by his rival for having campaigned from "his basement", the Democrat now occupies the field.

He will be in Florida, a key state for the poll, this Monday.


"Trump played with fire" for the faithful of the American Church in Paris

Another ABC News / Ipsos study claims that 72% of Americans believe that the president has not taken "the necessary precautions for his personal health."

The same percentage believes that Donald Trump did not take “the risk of contracting the virus” seriously enough.

A ninth member of his entourage, his assistant Nick Luna, has tested positive.

All these cases at the highest level of the state are a booster shot for many Americans: despite the "Covid-fatigue", the virus is still there.

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