The Limited Times

German Jewish student attacked outside Hamburg synagogue

10/4/2020, 8:08:55 PM

A Jewish student was " seriously injured " Sunday (October 4th) by a 29-year-old man outside a synagogue in Hamburg, northern Germany, police say, an assault the foreign minister called an act “ Repulsive anti-Semitism ”. Read also: The anger of Christina Feist, survivor of anti-Semitic hatred The 26-year-old victim was attacked with a shovel in the head as she was about to enter the synagogue c

A Jewish student was "

seriously injured

" Sunday (October 4th) by a 29-year-old man outside a synagogue in Hamburg, northern Germany, police say, an assault the foreign minister called an act “

Repulsive anti-Semitism


Read also: The anger of Christina Feist, survivor of anti-Semitic hatred

The 26-year-old victim was attacked with a shovel in the head as she was about to enter the synagogue compound where a religious festival was being held Sunday afternoon, according to a police statement from Hamburg.

His assailant was arrested, police said, who said he was dressed in an outfit resembling a German army uniform.

According to the German agency dpa, a piece of paper with a swastika was found in his pants pocket.

The victim, who managed to take shelter and was taken in charge of first aid by passers-by, was then admitted to hospital, according to the same source.

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas immediately denounced on Twitter "

disgusting anti-Semitism

" which "

we must all oppose


The alleged assailant was arrested by police officers responsible for monitoring the religious building but gave the impression of being "

extremely confused

" making an interrogation very difficult, according to a police spokesperson quoted by dpa.

He is a German from Kazakhstan, according to this source.

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