The Limited Times

Guillaume Tabard: "In New Caledonia, the trap of the third referendum"

10/4/2020, 6:50:42 PM

COUNTER-POINT - The climate to come will be all the more uncertain as this Sunday's poll has confirmed the Caledonian double divide, ethnic and geographic.






In two years, the words of Emmanuel Macron have evolved to greet the result of the referendum in New Caledonia.

And for good reason: the gap has narrowed between supporters of independence and those of belonging to the French Republic.

And the prospect of a third consultation shows that the Caledonian file is far from closed.

Even more: it creates the conditions for new tensions.

Read also:

New Caledonia chooses 53.26% to remain French, pushing "yes" to independence

Why chain three consultations and thus take the risk of voting until a majority of Caledonians decree the independence of their archipelago?

From Michel Rocard to Édouard Philippe, all those who have tackled this ultramarine puzzle have understood that any peaceful, realistic and lasting solution presupposes not only taking one's time but also sparing the two communities as much as possible.

The only way to go from the violent antagonism that we experienced in the 1980s to a common destiny guaranteeing at least coexistence.

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