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Guy was beaten during a demonstration in Pardes Hanna, Ephraim was attacked in Netanya: "The same hatred as in the assassination of Rabin" - Walla! news

10/4/2020, 7:27:05 PM

Many anti-government protesters across the country have reported on networks and authorities about violence directed at them by opponents, and the fear of demonstrating again. Guy Lev, a 48-year-old social activist, was attacked by boys and broke his arm, and a group of men beat the deputy mayor of Netanya, in protest in the city. "We are in a civil war"

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Protest against Netanyahu

Guy beaten during a demonstration in Pardes Hanna, Ephraim attacked in Netanya: "The same hatred as in the assassination of Rabin"

Many anti-government protesters across the country have reported on networks and authorities about violence directed at them by opponents, and the fear of demonstrating again.

Guy Lev, a 48-year-old social activist, was attacked by boys and broke his arm, and a group of men beat the deputy mayor of Netanya, in protest in the city.

"We are in a civil war"


  • Demonstrations

  • firmness

  • Benjamin Netanyahu

  • Netanya

  • Pardes Hanna

Yoav Itiel and Shlomi Gabay

Sunday, 04 October 2020, 22:14

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In the video: Protesters report violence in demonstrations against Netanyahu (Photo: Or Ravid and Itamar Cohen, edited by Shaul Adam)

Demonstrations against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and government corruption across the country have in recent weeks led to violence against protesters, and protesters have reported numerous attacks directed against them.

Guy Lev, 48, a social activist and a resident of Pardes Hanna, was attacked last night (Saturday) and broke his arm during a demonstration that took place in Neve Tut Square, on the road connecting Pardes Hanna to Camp 80 Junction (Hanna Junction).

"There were no police in this square yesterday because before the kilometer law we did not demonstrate in it," Lev said in a conversation with Walla!


He said that around 6:30 PM, he noticed a guy coming out of his house and spitting on a demonstrator who was in the train while leaving the place.

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"I was blown away, I felt alone."

Guy Lev (Photo: Courtesy of the photographers)

"I got out of the car and shouted at him to be ashamed," Lev recalled.

"He went back into the house and within five seconds about 15 people left the house and surrounded me. I turned around when I realized I was in a life-threatening situation and ran on foot on the road, opposite the direction of the demonstration and towards the center of Pardes Hanna, because they actually blocked me."

According to Lev, he managed to run a little but the group caught up with him and knocked him to the floor.

"I was blown up with kicks and punches. I felt quite alone because people from the demonstration were far away from me. Luckily I think the young girl went and called them. Then the adults among the guys who beat me grabbed me, dragged me to my car, and forced me to drive away. ".

Lev drove another hundred meters in the direction of the demonstration, got out of his car and asked those present to call the police.

"I was in a very big emotional turmoil and great anger."

The young men who beat him fled the scene.

At this point, an MDA ambulance arrived that evacuated Lev to Hillel Yaffe Hospital in Hadera.

"We are citizens who are simply expressing their opinions."

Guy Lev's wounds (Photo: courtesy of those photographed)

"They discovered a complex fracture in the hand and bruises all over my body. They treated me with praise. And they released me after four hours. But that's not the end, they told me I would probably need surgery."

However, Lev remained optimistic.

"I think overall we are the majority. I have received hundreds of messages of reinforcements, and I hope the light will overcome the darkness. I personally do not care what they will or will not do to them. I try to concentrate on the good and not on them."

According to Lev, there is a great fear of demonstrating, certainly in the same place.

"It's a matter for the police, not a matter for the protesters and not for me. I understand they are supposed to protect us and allow us to demonstrate especially after because of the restrictions we cannot stay away and demonstrate elsewhere."

Lev testified that recently he went up to demonstrate once in Balfour, "specifically with a Bibist friend," and twice more at demonstrations in Caesarea, "I demonstrated there with my Moroccan aunt."

Lev recounts other recent harassments of protesters in Pardes Hanna.

"A month ago, they threw a can of Red Bull full of a passenger vehicle at a seven-year-old girl who was among the protesters."

He also said that four days ago, firefighting foam from a moving car was spray-painted on protesters.

Lev stressed that their sense of personal security is low, especially recently.

"We are citizens who just express their opinions. It's sad, and annoying."

"Same picture as before Rabin's assassination"

Another demonstrator who was attacked yesterday is Ephraim Bolmesh, the deputy mayor of Netanya, 67. During a demonstration in the city, a man threw stones at demonstrators and as a result, Bulmash was injured and a rib was inflicted on him.

"I was in protest, on Einstein Street, and because I was a seller, they recognized me and attacked me. No one rescued me and no one defended me," he recalled.

He said the group that attacked him spat at him and shouted death wishes at him.

"'We spit on you because they want to infect you in Corona,' 'They want you to die,' 'It's a shame the Nazis didn't burn your whole family,' 'Well, they killed Rabin, they hope they will kill you, too.'"

He said he fled the scene but they caught up with him.

"I was most afraid of the spit. I do not file a complaint with the police. If the police want - the whole area is networked with cameras."

Bolmesh claimed that police did not arrive at the scene, even though they were called.

"If I had not run away I do not know what would have happened."

Bulmash, Deputy Mayor of Netanya

"I am the deputy mayor on behalf of an independent list called 'Free Netanya.' The attackers were religious. Some of them recognized me. I am shocked. I am disappointed," said Bulmesh, noting the similarities between the incident he experienced and the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.

"I was then when Rabin was in Netanya and I accompanied him, there were demonstrations against him and they called for his murder - I saw the same picture now. I was afraid for my life. If I had not run away I would not know what would have happened, they did not chase after me to hand out candy."

Bulmesh said that last night he did not attach special importance to the blow he suffered, but at night he was attacked by excruciating pain and in the morning he was evacuated to the trauma department of the HMO, where they discovered a crack in his rib.

"My goal as I see it is to stop this madhouse and open a dialogue, because otherwise we're here in a civil war. Instead of firing a gun - spitting."

More on Walla!


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To the full article

"I called on the rabbis in Netanya to stop everything and enter into a dialogue. We have a tiny country that we are killing with our own hands, for what and why? It could happen again. These are the same pictures I saw when I accompanied them. "Rabin in Netanya. They had the same hatred in their eyes, it's unbelievable that nothing has changed."

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