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Horoscope for today, October 4, 2020, of all zodiac signs

10/4/2020, 11:32:59 AM

Check here your horoscope for today, Sunday, October 4. What are the stars in store for you today? Predictions by sign by Astrologer Silvia Rioja


today's horoscope, Sunday, October 4



, associated with deep changes and rebirth, begins its direct path, so that all your internal changes come to light.


Today Pluto, the planet in charge of making you come out of repression, begins its direct path after being retrograde for more than five months.

With this movement your doubts and lack of encouragement disappear.

The ambitions that you had repressed because you considered that it was not the time to achieve them are reawakened in you, as well as the desire to control and dominate.

You will feel ready to face any type of challenge, since your actions will be forceful and direct, and you will even be able to get involved in power struggles.

This change of direction is an opportunity to reach your goals and really see where you can go.

See also:

Aries Weekly Horoscope, September 28 to October 4, 2020

Aries Monthly Horoscope for October

Aries 2020 Annual Horoscope


After being retrograde for more than five months, Pluto, the planet associated with psychological changes, begins its direct path.

With this movement, what you have been investigating from other cultures and philosophies will generate a drastic change in your religious beliefs.

In turn, it can cause you a strong personal confrontation with your internal, spiritual and also family reality, in case any of your family members do not agree with your change.

As you may be obsessed with these new beliefs and you want to try to convince others of what you have learned, I advise you to respect their opinions and avoid increasing the stubbornness that characterizes your sign.

See also:

Taurus Weekly Horoscope, September 28 - October 4, 2020

Taurus Monthly Horoscope for October

Taurus Annual Horoscope 2020


In recent months, Pluto, associated with internal rebirths, was in retrograde.

In this time you have been considering that many outdated aspects of your life have to disappear to give way to new internal states, thoughts and emotions.

As this planet begins its direct path today, the events of the day will drive you out of these situations.

Surely, someone important to you is separated in an unexpected way and this affects you deeply, generating a radical change in emotions and temperament.

This influence will also make you confront the nature and meaning of your life to see it in a completely different way.

See also:

Gemini Weekly Horoscope, September 28 to October 4, 2020

Gemini Monthly Horoscope for October

Gemini Annual Horoscope 2020


Today Pluto, associated with shocking changes, begins its direct path after more than five months of being retrograde.

With this movement, a very profound change takes place in your personal and business relationships because the hidden and repressed tensions in the aforementioned time are released.

You will feel that it is time to get out of old relationships that have brought you problems or that have limited you.

You will also want to find those people who help you transform your life in various aspects.

Keep in mind that with this influence, some relationships can end entirely, whether through a divorce, the end of an intimate friendship or dissolution of partnerships.

See also:

Cancer weekly horoscope, from September 28 to October 4, 2020

Cancer monthly horoscope for October

Cancer 2020 annual horoscope


After being in retrograde for more than five months, Pluto, the planet in charge of pushing you to make shocking changes, changes direction today.

With this movement, you will be able to bring to the surface the deep psychological processes and repressed anger that manifest themselves with physical discomfort.

Now is the best time for you to do a whole regenerative therapy, both psychological and physical.

This way you can regenerate both your mind and your body, even if you haven't paid attention to it in recent months.

Try to develop more effectiveness in your daily routine so that your health wears out less and makes a whole transformation of your life

See also:

Weekly horoscope for Leo, from September 28 to October 4, 2020

Monthly horoscope for Leo for October

Annual horoscope for Leo 2020


Pluto, a planet associated with emotional needs and internal work, today begins its direct path after five months.

In this time you have gone through various types of crises and you have known yourself more in depth;

Therefore, you can let out all the negative about you and thus begin another life experience.

With this change in direction, you will also notice that your concepts of love and pleasures have undergone an evolution and have generated more strength in your character.

In this way, you will find another way to relate to those around you.

On the other hand, you will no longer exert so much pressure for others to do your bidding and you will share more of your life projects.

See also:

Virgo Weekly Horoscope, September 28-October 4, 2020

Virgo Monthly Horoscope for October

Virgo 2020 Annual Horoscope


Today is a very important day for your internal world, since Pluto, associated with rebirth and shocking changes, will begin its direct path after being more than five months in reverse.

This movement in the horoscope will allow you to establish solid foundations in your home and profession, because there are strong physical and very deep emotional changes that will be for your inner growth.

To prepare and free yourself from family traumas and let peace reach your interior because news will reach you that you have to make a transfer from city, country or home.

This is why it is time to build new foundations to begin once again.

See also:

Libra Weekly Horoscope, September 28 - October 4, 2020

Libra Monthly Horoscope for October

Libra 2020 Annual Horoscope


After having been retrograde for more than five months, Pluto, the ruling planet of your sign, associated with rebirth and the will to make shocking changes, begins its direct path.

In this time you have had a whole change of values ​​and thoughts, which have led you to make a deep psychological change, of inner regeneration and questions.

All this process now comes to the surface, as well as the repressed psychological tensions and mental obsessions so that you are clear that you have to get out of these.

In this way you will further develop your intelligence and ability to deal with your environment in a meaningful way.

See also:

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope, September 28 - October 4, 2020

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope for October

Scorpio Annual Horoscope 2020


Today that Pluto, related to internal work and dying psychologically, begins its direct path, after five months, you begin a total transformation of what you valued and gave you inner security.

You will notice that it begins to rise to the surface and understand why what you appreciated about yourself no longer serves you and you let it collapse.

This is because you want to start building your life in another way in accordance with the new values ​​that you have found within yourself in the time mentioned.

An inordinate desire to possess more and have more power can also come to light.

See also:

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope, September 28-October 4, 2020

Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope for October

Sagittarius Annual Horoscope 2020


It is one of the most important days of your life because Pluto, associated with being reborn and responsible for de-structuring the mind, by making its change of direction prompts you to make an effort to free yourself from all traditional patterns and become someone very special. .

The mentioned planet has been in retrograde for more than five months and in this time it has put you in contact with the deepest part of you and your internal force so that you activate it.

From this experience it is now when you can develop your full potential and will power to build your happiness according to what you feel in the depths of your being and your heart.

See also:

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope, September 28-October 4, 2020

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope for October

Capricorn Annual Horoscope 2020


Pluto, a planet associated with elevated consciousness and profound changes in the psyche, begins its direct path today after five months of being in decline.

In this time it has led you to investigate more of your past lives, meditation and also to know how to activate all your clairvoyant possibilities.

In this way you have come to see your psychological depths, and face strong attachments to release them now, with the change of direction.

You have also been able to clearly see certain very childish behavior patterns that you must change to face life in a new way.

See also:

Aquarius weekly horoscope, from September 28 to October 4, 2020

Aquarius monthly horoscope for October

Aquarius annual horoscope 2020


Pluto, a planet related to rebirth, today begins its direct path, after five months.

In this time it has taken you through a very deep internal process in which you have changed your ideals and it is now that various psychological processes come to the surface and manifest themselves through a transformation in your friendships.

You may have the tendency to break up with old friends and groups that no longer make sense to you and thus establish new ones.

It is a time when many people leave your life to enter new ones.

See also:

Pisces Weekly Horoscope, September 28 to October 4, 2020

Pisces Monthly Horoscope for October

Pisces 2020 Annual Horoscope

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