The Limited Times

Terrible accident in Bavaria: Child (2) rolled over by a parked car

10/4/2020, 9:33:17 PM

Cruel accident on Friday evening in Deggendorf: A toddler (2) was run over by a parked car and died at the scene of the accident.

Cruel accident on Friday evening in Deggendorf: A toddler (2) was run over by a parked car and died at the scene of the accident.

Deggendorf - A gruesome accident happened on Friday evening (October 2nd) in Deggendorf, Bavaria, in Lower Bavaria.

A toddler (2) was run over by a parking car and killed.

The child was reanimated at the scene of the incident by the emergency doctor, but died that evening at the scene of the accident.

Deggendorf / Bavaria: Two-year-olds rolled over when parking

What happened?

According to the police, the girl and his father (39) are said to have been in a nearby shed.

The small child is said to have run into the street for an as yet unknown cause.

The driver started the maneuver at the exact moment.

The two-year-old was not noticed and was run over.

Deggendorf / Bavaria: Drivers and family members are treated by the crisis team

The car driver and the girl's family members were looked after by pastors and a crisis intervention team.

The 39-year-old father was unable to observe the accident.

According to the police, the Deggendorf public prosecutor ordered an accident analysis report to clarify the course of the accident.

(ank with dpa)

As reports, there was also a bad accident at Tegernsee in Upper Bavaria.

An e-biker has died.

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