The Limited Times

A narrow tube as a new playground

10/6/2020, 11:03:06 AM

The children in Waldbrunn's new playground don't exactly have a spacious area to run around. The swing and slide are fenced in on a narrow strip next to the road.

The children in Waldbrunn's new playground don't exactly have a spacious area to run around.

The swing and slide are fenced in on a narrow strip next to the road.


- "A lot of space is not a lot here" could be noticed à la Karl Valentin with a view of the new playground in Brunnthal's district of Waldbrunn.

In the past few weeks, a very special, new play area for the smallest community citizens has developed on a narrow green strip at the level of Bogenstrasse 12.

A sandpit, a swing, a baby swing and a roller slide are lined up in a narrow tube shape.

A table with two benches offers some space for a neat ratchet in between.

The whole thing was separated from the nearby street by a fence that was almost threatening due to the limited space.

There are certainly nicer and more inviting play areas.

There are certainly nicer and more inviting play areas.

But: "There was no other place possible in the entire area, we searched for a long time," Mayor Stefan Kern (CSU) can counter to possible critics.

“Waldbrunn was simply missing as almost the last location on our community list.

The demand among the citizens was great, ”Kern defended the project at the opening of the previous week, which, according to the municipality, cost around 25,000 euros.

“Why not further south at the end of Bogenstrasse?” Kern had to answer this question several times during the planning phase.

"This is a federal property and there were nature conservation concerns," explains the mayor when asked again.

"Actually, we would have liked to have built a larger area to the south with a children's and youth playground."

An emergency solution in the narrow green along the road.

The municipal council agreed to the emergency solution in the narrow green along the road with a very weeping child's eye.

Much space is actually not much here.

But goodwill is not bad.

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