The Limited Times

Plexiglas between the candidates for the vice-presidency of the United States

10/6/2020, 5:50:43 AM

Running mates Kamala Harris and Mike Pence will be separated by a plexiglass wall during their debate on Wednesday, October 7. The Debates Committee approved this change after the contamination of Donald Trump.

US Vice President Mike Pence and his rival Kamala Harris will be separated by a plexiglass wall during their debate on Wednesday (October 7), an official of the Democrat team told AFP on Monday, a decision taken after the announces that Donald Trump was suffering from Covid-19.

Read also: Donald Trump back to the White House after only three days of hospitalization

The running mate of Democratic White House candidate Joe Biden and Republican Mike Pence will be placed nearly four meters apart, rather than the two meters originally planned.

The concern remains

Mike Pence, 61, has tested negative for the new coronavirus but concern remains after the announcement on Friday that the US president had Covid-19.

Three days before, Donald Trump had participated in his first debate against Joe Biden, at a good distance but in an enclosed space.

In the room, relatives of the Republican billionaire had taken off their masks while sitting down to attend the 90 minutes of verbal jousting.

Mike Pence had not attended this debate in Cleveland, Ohio.

On the other hand, the US vice president was at the White House on September 26 for the appointment of Justice Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.

Several attendees, including Donald and Melania Trump, have since tested positive.

Tested negative, Kamala Harris, 55, will meet up with Mike Pence in Salt Lake City, Utah, on Wednesday night.

This debate between candidates for the vice-presidency takes on an exceptional scale, given the diagnosis of Donald Trump but also the age of the two presidential candidates, 74 years and 77 years for Joe Biden.

In the event of incapacity or death of the President of the United States, power passes to the Vice-President.

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