The Limited Times

Faced with the crisis, FC Barcelona is preparing a further drop in player salaries

10/7/2020, 9:33:07 AM

LE SCAN SPORT - Strongly impacted by the Covid-19 crisis, the Spanish club hopes to find an agreement to reduce the salaries of its stars for a second time in the space of eight months. 

According to the Mondo Deportivo website, the human resources department of FC Barcelona has told all club employees that a salary readjustment was scheduled due to the club's drop in income in recent months.

These reductions will affect all employees, including athletes in the professional group, indicates the Spanish site. 

The management of the Catalan club should soon open discussions with all parties concerned.

The players will have a representative who will have been elected by the professional group.

The latter will be responsible for conducting negotiations for fifteen days at the end of which proposals will be made.

These will be put to a vote and adopted if they win the majority. 

If an agreement is reached, it would be the second in the space of a few months.

Last March, when confinement was imposed in Spain and all competitions were suspended, the players accepted a 70% cut in their salary, allowing the club to save 42 million euros.

Other savings had been made: 30 million on management costs and 2 million related to the fall in the salaries of non-sporting staff for a total of 74 million euros.

Losses over last season estimated at 97 million euros

The announcement of new measures comes hours after the presentation of financial results on Monday, and losses of around 100 million last season.

"The effects of Covid-19 mean that we have 200 million euros in less revenue, net losses which amount to 97 million and that we do not have the 11 million in profits envisaged", declared Monday the one of the vice-presidents of the club Jordi Moix.

Barca had budgeted € 1.047 billion in revenue for the 2019/2020 season, but the serious situation caused by the pandemic only earned the club € 855 million, 203 less than expected.

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    Refusal of a wage cut: some Barcelona people treated as "selfish" - Scan Sport