The Limited Times

5G: both a curse and a blessing

10/7/2020, 9:09:01 AM

There are many pros and cons: economic benefits stand against health risks, say experts. So what to do with 5G?

There are many pros and cons: economic benefits stand against health risks, say experts.

So what to do with 5G?

District -

If Corona has shown one thing in terms of digital infrastructure, it is, according to District Administrator Robert Niedergesäß, that there is still a lot of need for action nationwide, but also at district level.

In administration and the private sector (keyword home office) as well as in schools (keyword homeschooling).

One possible solution for the near future: the so-called 5G technology, the latest standard for mobile data transmission with up to 20 Gbit / s.

Connected, so say proponents, with fewer connection failures, enormous data capacities, secure channels (important for the rescue service, for example), and vastly increasing opportunities for the domestic economy in regional and global competition.

But possibly also associated with direct disadvantages for humans in the form of disorders of the central nervous system and even cancer.

Many reports, many opinions

This whole spectrum of different views came to light during an information evening to which the district administration had invited in the Sparkasse hall on Monday.

In the auditorium: mainly local politicians, but also representatives from business and committed citizens.

And on this occasion they all got a foretaste of the fact that there is still a controversial debate ahead of us with a view to 5G.

A representative of a very critical position: the building biologist Jörn Gutbier, who in Ebersberg did not speak out against cell phone technology in general, but instead postulated lower-risk solutions - based on light and infrared transmission.

“More data with less radiation in a network for everyone,” was his slogan.

Another opinion: that of Bernhard Brenner from the State Office for Health and Food Safety.

If limit values ​​were adhered to, it could be assumed from the current state that health problems are not necessarily to be expected, he said.

Do we need more cat videos?

Jürgen Merks from BUND chose a more philosophical approach.

His formula: 5G means more data volumes, more power consumption, more demand for natural resources and, last but not least, accelerating exploitation of the planet.

And what for?

The geographer meant: for the fact that we humans allowed ourselves the luxury of making the thousandth and thousandth cat or parrot video visible at any point on earth at any time.

His appeal, which was noticeably approved in the hall: Everyone is responsible for checking their online behavior.

The network has long ensured that we are constantly being asked to do things that we didn't want to do.

Exactly the question;

said Klaus-Peter Potthast as a representative from the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

"People want smartphones and tablets, and they want to use both," he says.

And last but not least, there are solid economic interests associated with the broadest possible 5G coverage.

The hint from the plenary that there are also people who reacted electrosensitively - with all kinds of symptoms - was part of the overall picture that evening.

He made it clear quite vividly how ambivalent about 5G technology will still be spoken.

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