The Limited Times

Amir Hashakel: Racism of the Lords of the Land Israel today

10/7/2020, 8:30:13 PM

| In the countryA policewoman of Ethiopian descent as having the authority to detain, detain, evict, file a report or comment on it? • It is against the natural order of things, and that is what got the demon out of the bottle • Opinion The vicious statements of the salt of the earth, a brigadier general in the reserve, a Holocaust researcher, a knight of democracy in the Netanyahu era, towards the commonwoman w

A policewoman of Ethiopian descent as having the authority to detain, detain, evict, file a report or comment on it? • It is against the natural order of things, and that is what got the demon out of the bottle • Opinion

The vicious statements of the salt of the earth, a brigadier general in the reserve, a Holocaust researcher, a knight of democracy in the Netanyahu era, towards the commonwoman who emerged from the Ethiopian community, revealed the naked truth about the difference between tie-dyed racism and street racism in Israel.

The mind is not a standard racist.

He is not the average Israeli racist.

You will not hear him throw to a "stinking Ethiopian" policewoman or "who brought you to Israel."

The mind is a different kind of racist, a racist, eloquent racist.

This is the racism of the lords of the land, those who redeemed the unfortunate from the arid desert and brought to a safe shore.

Is it conceivable that the barefoot, black girl, liquefied from the plane - is the one who will stop him in his own country?

One who should be eternally grateful cannot suddenly play the role of law enforcement.

Certainly not towards him.

An Ethiopian policewoman, as having the authority - to detain, arrest, evacuate, write a report, or even reprimand him?

Our job, the Ethiopians, is to be grateful and to obey obediently.

Any deviation from the role assigned to us by the culture of the masters undermines and strikes a balance.

In retrospect ... maybe it was a mistake to bring us?

If we had known that this would be the case ... that was not the intention ... yes, this is the real racism embodied in the concept of mastery of a considerable part of this nation.

Being Ethiopian is a profession.

I do not know how many of you have become Ethiopians.

do not try this at home.

This is an impossible task in the Israeli reality, and I wrote about it extensively in my book "The Journey Is Not Over".

Wherever I go (including this column!), I am the community representative.

Taxi drivers tell me about their Ethiopian company.

I have yet to meet a politician who has not told me how he took part in our rescue operation from Sudan.

And if he did not participate in Operation Moses, then in Operation Solomon.

And if not himself, then his father, his uncle, his brother or his grandfather.

They were all there, traveled far to fetch me and the rest of the community, or were secret partners and acted behind the scenes.

Honestly, it's exciting.

It's just a pity that this is not the reality, and in most cases these are people who are sure that I am another innocent Ethiopian who will buy their stories and expect me to thank them for their daring actions and concern for the community.

Yes, being an Ethiopian in Israel is a profession.

When I get on the bus there are those who grab me by the cheeks and pinch them tightly to express their love for an entire community, as if thousands of Ethiopians are standing behind me at that moment.

I look back to see how many black brothers are standing there and find that I am all alone.

How the hell did I go from 'I' to 'you'?

And perhaps, ironically, we Ethiopians are proving to be the ones who bring healing to the exposed rifts of this people: left, right, religious, secular, members of the Eastern community and Ashkenazim - all of whom are equally racist and treat us disgracefully as a daily act.

And that, in my eyes, is the beauty of our people.

United in our racism.

If our national mission, as members of the Ethiopian community, is to preserve and maintain one common denominator for all, we will fulfill it with joy.

Racists all over Israel, unite!

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