The Limited Times

Corona case at the Schongauer-Welfengymnasium: 50 students are in quarantine as a precaution

10/7/2020, 2:24:07 PM

After the Weilheim health department reported a corona case at the Schongau Welfen-Gymnasium on Tuesday afternoon, further details are now known.

After the Weilheim health department reported a corona case at the Schongau Welfen-Gymnasium on Tuesday afternoon, further details are now known.

  • A student from the Schongau Welfen-Gymnasium has tested positive for the corona virus.

  • 50 students are currently in quarantine as a precaution.

  • Teachers who may have had contact with the sick pupil also stayed at home for the time being.

"The cooperation with the health department is going very well," said Bernhard O'Connor, headmaster at the Schongauer Welfen-Gymnasium, on Wednesday when asked by Schongauer Nachrichten.

Around 50 students are currently in quarantine.

On the one hand, the entire class of the sick student is affected.

However, because some classes are taught across different classes, another subgroup of the same grade is in quarantine as well as students from different grade levels who all attend the same elective.

Depending on when the students last had lessons together, the

quarantine runs until the middle or the end of the week



Teachers are voluntarily in quarantine

The student lists with all the necessary data have been passed on to the health department, according to O'Connor.

The health department also has a list of teachers who taught the student.

These teachers were voluntarily in quarantine yesterday

, now it is being determined in discussions who had how much contact with the student and who should possibly stay at home.

On Wednesday, three new corona cases from Schongau, Polling and Oberhausen were reported to the health department.

One is a close contact person for someone who has already tested positive, while the other two are still under investigation.

It is not the first time that a

positive Corona case

has occurred

at a facility in the district


In September, the kindergarten in Bernbeuren had to close temporarily because a child had tested positive for the virus.

In Peißenberg, too, secondary school students had to be quarantined after a classmate was infected.

In our ticker

, we will keep you up to date with all the news about the corona situation in the district.

Also interesting:

The corona pandemic is having a forceful impact on the finances of the district.

The district and finance committee approved a

supplementary budget

on Monday

that hurts everyone involved very much: more than twice as many debts have to be taken on than originally planned.

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