The Limited Times

Germany disappoints against Turkey: Captain Draxler scolds colleagues

10/7/2020, 8:56:50 PM

The DFB-Elf and Turkey parted in Cologne 3: 3. Here are the voices for the game.

The DFB-Elf and Turkey parted in Cologne 3: 3.

Here are the voices for the game.

Cologne - The German national team missed a leadership against Turkey several times.

Although you could have decided to foul if you conceded a goal, the 3: 3 was one thing above all: a disappointment.

We have collected the votes for the game:

Julian Draxler (Captain Germany) on ...

... the game: “We invited the Turks to score goals.

Like we did against Spain, we didn't manage to take the lead over time.

This is disappointing.

It comes down to winning the games.

We didn't do that "

.... the unfamiliar team: “It's not that easy when you play together for the first time.

A few basic rules have to be followed.

We didn't manage to get out of the way safely.

That was the problem."

.... his future: Because of Corona and the whole situation, it wasn't like that this summer that there was anything for me.

That's why I decided to stay at PSG and play better than last year.