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MK Rezbozov initiates petition to resume sports activities | Israel Today

10/7/2020, 2:03:02 PM

Yesh Atid MK posted a Facebook post inviting all sports fans to join the protest | Israeli soccer

A Knesset member from the Yesh Atid party posted a Facebook post inviting all sports fans to join the protest

  • Rezbozov.

    Pushes for restoration of sports club activity


    Oren Ben Hakon

MK Yoel Rezbozov (Yesh Atid-Telam) published a post on his Facebook page today (Wednesday) inviting all sports fans in Israel to sign a petition to renew the sports leagues.

The wording of the petition: "Return sports to the courts! Sign up and join the protest of MK Yoel Rezbozov (Yesh Atid) together with all sports fans, for the renewal of sports leagues in Israel. It is precisely in these difficult times that Israeli citizens need some sanity. Having a sporting activity without an audience in large complexes, under strict strict isolation of the athletes does not endanger anyone. This absurdity must be ended and the sports leagues in Israel immediately excluded. The fans at home are thirsty for it, the players are looking forward to it and there is no reason to continue to destroy Israeli sports. If we do not put an end to it now, the damage will be irreversible. "