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The ratings of the final series between Miami and the Lakers break negative viewing records - Walla! sport

10/7/2020, 6:11:44 PM

Trump was right: The 2020 final shows the lowest figures ever, but not because of political involvement. So why? Because there is no crowd, Miami is not attractive, and in the background there is football

  • sport

  • NBA

The ratings for the final series between Miami and the Lakers are breaking negative viewing records

Trump was right: The 2020 final shows the lowest figures ever, but not because of political involvement.

So why?

Because there is no crowd, Miami is not attractive, and in the background there is football


  • Miami Heat

  • Los Angeles Lakers



Wednesday, 07 October 2020, 20:43

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LeBron James dances in NBA Finals (Los Angeles Lakers Twitter account)

The ratings for this year's NBA Finals between the Los Angeles Lakers and the Miami Heat are breaking negative viewing records in the US. On the face of it the reasons are clear: The atmosphere in the Orlando bubble is quite depressing, Miami is not considered a particularly large market or with attractive stars. played concurrently football season (usually occurs in June, when football season is in recess), when this year take place in parallel to basketball games too familiar with hockey and playoff baseball. and yet - three finals between Miami and the Lakers are the three finals and the least watched ever.

For example, several game A rating of 3.1 points and only 5.94 million spectators - the final game with the lowest data ever.What are the two games in second and third place on the NBA Finals list? Games 1 and 2 in the series between the Miami Lakers, ranked No. 2 in the final. 2003 between New Jersey and San Antonio, which still brought about 60 percent more than the rating of Game 3 of the 2020 Finals


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Note that the NBA playoffs are never played concurrently with the NFL, and Game 3 was on Sunday, a day dedicated to U.S. football, and the (regular season) game between Philadelphia and San Francisco that day nearly drew three times as many spectators. Holds the U.S. Tennis Championships, the Stanley Cup Hockey Finals, the U.S. Golf Championships, and other events postponed from May and June to August, September and October.

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Of course there are many who claim that the political involvement of the league and its leaders in the black struggle in the US is what drives the spectators away, and former president Donald Trump (against whom the league stars went public) claimed that the protest hurt the league - and because of it the figures plummet. While the absence of the audience undoubtedly hurts the atmosphere and drama, but it is estimated that during this period it is difficult for people to dedicate themselves wholeheartedly to entertainment. Either way, the damage is not only in ratings and number of viewers, but also in the game .

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