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Clever: With these four tricks you can open wine bottles without a corkscrew

10/8/2020, 1:44:45 PM

Do you fancy some wine but don't have a corkscrew at hand? No problem, if you know these tricks - the wine bottle is opened in no time.

Do you fancy some wine but don't have a corkscrew at hand?

No problem, if you know these tricks - the wine bottle is opened in no time.

For some, a good glass of wine * is essential for a cozy evening with friends or simply for dinner.

It's just annoying when you just ca

n't find



at the right moment


What to do?

Don't hesitate, we have some

last-minute tips and tricks

ready on how you can

still open


wine bottle


Open a wine bottle without a corkscrew: With hot water or a lighter


is a good helper for this purpose.

The tip works either with a


or with hot water.

Either hold a lighter under the cork on the outside of the bottle neck.

Or alternatively, run

hot water

from the tap over the neck of the bottle

for five to ten minutes


This warms the air between the cork and the wine, expands and pushes the cork upwards out of the bottle neck.

One disadvantage of this method: the wine in the bottle is of course also warmed up by the hot water.

Therefore: It is best to use this trick to remove the cork some time before you want to drink the wine and then





Also read:

Without ice cubes: This ingenious trick keeps your white wine cool.

Push in with high heel heels or wooden spoon

Instead of pulling out the cork, you can try



into the bottle


This probably doesn't work by hand, so you can use a

wooden spoon

or - if

you have one

in the household - the

heel of

a high heel.

It takes some strength, but this trick works most of the time.

The only problem: the cork then floats in the wine.

Gourmets will certainly turn up their noses here.

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The solution: Bring a piece of string or


into the bottle, hold the ends while firmly.

Now use a pen or wooden spoon to navigate the cork in the bottle so that it is over the ribbon.

This can take some time and



If you can do it, you can pull both out of the bottle together.

For craftsmen: Open a wine bottle with a tool

This method is more for people with manual skills.

You need a


with the coarsest possible thread and a

pair of pliers


Turn the screw into the cork until it sticks out about a centimeter.

Now you can pull the screw with the pliers, so that the cork comes out.

But you need some


for this trick.

Also interesting:

That's why you should pour your red wine into the blender before consumption.

The classic way of opening wine bottles without a corkscrew: knocking them out

Place the wine bottle in a shoe, hold it both, and tap

the wall

vigorously with the sole


A bit of sensitivity is required, otherwise the bottle will break.

As a result of the blows, the wine sloshes against the cork and is squeezed out.

If it sticks out far enough, you can simply

pull it out by hand


Alternatively, you can wrap the bottle in a towel.

With these

tips for opening bottles without a corkscrew

, nothing should stand in the way of a cozy evening with the right wine accompaniment.

(mad) * is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

Read more:

Drinking red wine chilled?

Why that's not a crime at all.

List of rubric lists: © picture alliance / Jens Kalaene / dpa

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