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Do you already know Smushi? A food trend that bread fans must try

10/8/2020, 3:35:45 PM

Bread fans watch out. Smushis are a trend that combines sandwiches with handy finger food. And of course the small bites are delicious too.

Bread fans watch out.

Smushis are a trend that combines sandwiches with handy finger food.

And of course the small bites are delicious too.

There are many

food trends

that you don't necessarily want to be part of.

And then there are some where you ask yourself: “Why haven't I heard about it yet?

I have to try it! ”Perhaps this is how you will feel with this trend.

It's called:



And by the way, has nothing to do with smoothies *.

Curious food trend: what are smushis?

Bread meets sushi

Even if you

think of

Japanese cuisine

when you think of sushi

, this trend does not come from the land of the cherry blossoms for once.

Instead, smushi is a

dish from Scandinavia

, more precisely from



The restaurant owner Lo Østergaard invented this specialty in Copenhagen and opened a café called “Royal Smushi Café”.

What's up with the strange name?

“Smushi” is a combination of the words “


” - opulent sandwiches that are typical of Denmark - and



Østergaard had the idea to arrange the typical Danish breads like sushi.

This is why smushi is clearly reminiscent of sushi, both externally and based on the ingredients.

Also read:

Delicious slimming maker: This bread is quick to bake and keeps you full for a long time.

Check out this post on Instagram

A post shared by knøss Alphen (@knossalphen) on Jul 10, 2020 at 9:56 am PDT

Sample image - not the actual recipe image

Make smushi yourself - Smørrebrød in sushi style

Now you are probably wondering how you can try these smushis without having to fly to Copenhagen.

The good news: You can make

smushis yourself

, and you can


the ingredients very flexibly to


what you like best.

Take a bread of your choice, for example white bread or wholemeal bread.

Then you still need


- here too: whatever you like, such as salmon or tuna fillets.



in the form of turkey breast or something similar.

Exactly what is traditionally not possible with sushi, namely meat, you can safely use as an ingredient here.

Then you need something creamy for additional taste and so that the individual





And decoration in the form of herbs, caviar or horseradish should of course not be missing.

Let's go with the smushis.

Also interesting:

Even beginners can make this wholemeal bread - and it tastes great.

Recipe for smushi with salmon - you will need these ingredients

Ingredients for eight pieces:

  • 250 g smoked salmon

  • grated horseradish (to taste)

  • 100 g cream cheese

  • salt

  • sugar

  • 2 slices of wholemeal bread

  • dill

  • caviar

Bread meets sushi: this is how you prepare smushis with salmon

  • Set aside some slices of salmon and finely chop the remaining salmon.

  • Mix the chopped salmon with the horseradish and cream cheese to a cream.

  • Season the cream with a little salt and sugar.

  • Spread the salmon cream on the bread slices and cover them with the rest of the salmon.

  • Now cut the sandwiches into four strips and decorate them with dill and caviar (to taste).

  • The

    smushi appetizers

    are sure to be popular with guests as

    an aperitif

    or simply as a snack in between.

    If you make different variations, you can simply try your hand out.


    * is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

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