The Limited Times

Liron Weizman: "Who said that every pot has one lid?" | Israel today

10/8/2020, 3:38:44 PM

| TVJust before the rise of "New Love", Liron Weizman compares to "Khatunmi": "See intimacy within hours" Following the success of Keshet 12's "Wedding at First Sight", the 13 network competitors are launching a new matchmaking program called "New Love" tonight (21:15), presented by Liron Weizmann. "It is an original format in which four single women, who share the dream of finding love, come to a s

Just before the rise of "New Love", Liron Weizman compares to "Khatunmi": "See intimacy within hours"

Following the success of Keshet 12's "Wedding at First Sight", the 13 network competitors are launching a new matchmaking program called "New Love" tonight (21:15), presented by Liron Weizmann.

"It is an original format in which four single women, who share the dream of finding love, come to a shared living area, and the experts are suitable for each of the two men," says Weizmann.

"In the first episode, each one meets one of the men who has been adapted for her, and they will have to spend three days in the same apartment, without WhatsApp and without contact with the outside world, filmed all the time."

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According to Weizmann, "It's amazing to see how two people they didn't know before develop intimacy within a few hours. During these three days, they have to do couple activities that the experts impose on them. At the end of the three days, they decide whether they want to continue or not."

Were there participants who did not survive three days?

Who wanted to stop first?

"You'd guess there were some difficulties, but the experts are there to help the girls give it a real chance. It may be a cliché, but in the end, love is what revolves around the world. Now, in the Corona era, love is something to be loved. Demand Love never ends. "

History has shown that for the most part, matchmaking on television is not successful.

Do you believe it can succeed?

"I do not like to make statements about whether it can work or not work, but in my opinion there are no rules for love. Love can be found everywhere, and even at the end of our show couples go out. I follow dating and reality shows, and in the end, what's most interesting is The novels that are created there. "

Is this the network's answer to "wedding at first sight"?

"At the wedding they hang on to the fantasy of 'every pot has one lid.' That may be true. My husband and I have been together for 11 years. But who said every pot has one lid? Maybe it's a fantasy that can be shattered. "That can meet all your needs. We, unlike 'wedding at first sight', are trying to touch on this thing."

This is your first show you present alone in prime time.


"I've been working in TV for many years and I did all sorts of things. It's true that in prime time I never landed alone, but it's neither foreign nor strange to me. I'm a TV woman who works in the entertainment world and I do all kinds of projects. For me, this is a milestone in my career. "

Would you participate in such a program?

"I'm not a big dater. I haven't had a lot of dating in my life. I met my husband at 25 and it worked out pretty quickly. I don't remember how to behave on a date, so it seems so detached from reality to participate in a show like this. Maybe in a parallel world."

In December, another season of "Big Brother" is expected to air, which you will host with Guy Zo-Eretz.

Already have something to tell?

"There are very intriguing castings, but things are not closed yet. It would be very irresponsible to talk about it at this point in the paper."

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