The Limited Times

Live broadcast: Senior Ministry of Health press briefing Israel today

10/8/2020, 1:57:02 PM

| healthThe briefing will be delivered by the CEO, Prof. Hezi Levy, and the Head of Public Health Services, Dr. Sharon Elrai Price. • The percentage of positive tests in the last day - the lowest in about three weeks. The heads of the Ministry of Health are currently holding a public briefing at the ministry's corona sign. The briefing is chaired by the firm's director general, Prof. Hezi Levy, and the h

The briefing will be delivered by the CEO, Prof. Hezi Levy, and the Head of Public Health Services, Dr. Sharon Elrai Price. • The percentage of positive tests in the last day - the lowest in about three weeks.

The heads of the Ministry of Health are currently holding a public briefing at the ministry's corona sign.

The briefing is chaired by the firm's director general, Prof. Hezi Levy, and the head of public health services, Dr. Sharon Elrai Price.

Photo: Shmuel Buharis

Earlier today, the Ministry of Health published a national serological survey conducted in July-September 2020, in order to assess the presence of antibodies to the corona virus in the Israeli population. 

According to the survey, the rate of antibodies present in the sample population is 3.8% (5.5% after comparing variables to their rate in the general population in Israel).

This means that about half a million citizens were probably infected in Israel, when only this morning the latest morbidity data were published, according to which the total number of infected is 282,872 people. 

In the last day, 4,117 were diagnosed in Corona out of 45,317 tests, with the positive rate for the virus being 9.1% - the lowest in three weeks on a daily basis.

The total number of tests performed yesterday (including the duplicate tests of those who recovered from the virus) stands at 48,000, thus it can be said that the number of positives is even lower - 8.5%.

In fact, this is a real step forward and a consistent decrease in the percentage of carriers in the tests, which indicates the effectiveness of the closure.

In hospitals around the country, 1,576 corona patients are currently hospitalized, of whom 236 are respirators and 847 are seriously ill.

To date, 1,824 people have died since the outbreak in Israel.

2,290 medical staff are in isolation, including 592 nurses and 208 doctors and physicians.