The Limited Times

Termination: three mistakes that are still circulating

10/8/2020, 5:08:45 PM

Resignations often come as a surprise, also because many employees are subject to popular errors. Read here which termination myths are simply wrong.

Resignations often come as a surprise, also because many employees are subject to popular errors.

Read here which termination myths are simply wrong.

Are you familiar with the subject of termination?

No employer is fooling you?

It is better to check your knowledge about the dismissal - maybe you are making a mistake without realizing it?

And that can quickly have unpleasant consequences. 

Mistake 1: Employees who are on sick leave cannot be terminated

Illness is not an obstacle to termination.

On the contrary: employees can even be terminated because of one or more illnesses.

Anyone who

is absent from work


more than six weeks a year due to

illness can be dismissed.

This was confirmed by the Mainz Regional Labor Court in 2011 (Az .: 5 Sa 152/11). 

However, this requires additional conditions such as a negative forecast for the future.

You can find out here exactly when termination due to illness is permitted.

Above all, there is a risk of termination without notice if employees report sick who are not sick at all.

In this case, there is an attempted fraud because of

sick parties

, the employer will quickly punish.  

Also read

: This is by no means how you should start your step into self-employment.

Error 2: A termination is only possible after the third warning

Employers always decide on a case-by-case basis

whether a dismissal is justified or not


However, you don't need three warnings for this.

If there is a serious offense, such as a theft, often not even a single warning is required - the employer can terminate the contract without notice. 

Also interesting:

Termination: These behaviors can cost you the job.

Mistake 3: If an employee is given notice, he is entitled to severance pay

There is no legal entitlement to severance pay after termination - even if cash payments are common with many terminations or termination agreements.

If a severance payment is provided for in the employment contract or in the collective agreement, the employee will of course receive financial compensation.

However, many employers also pay a severance payment in order

to save


dismissal protection suits


Also read:

 Termination of employment contract - These are the most important rules and deadlines.

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