The Limited Times

The Government enabled the possibility of returning school activities in the country

10/8/2020, 10:45:02 PM

The Federal Council of Education approved a resolution that changes the school protocol. The final decision is left to each governor. How the "epidemiological traffic light" will work.

Ricardo Braginski

10/08/2020 7:25 PM

  • Clarí

  • Society

Updated 10/08/2020 7:41 PM

The Federal Council of Education has just approved a resolution that

enables the return of activities and classes in schools





, what was done was to modify the current protocol, which was very restrictive, for a more flexible scheme, based on an "epidemiological semaphore" that tells each governor

what situation his province is in and what decision can be made. drink. 

The Ministers of Education thus gave the go-ahead to the health indicators that the Health teams had defined in a technical meeting on Wednesday.

The scheme will indicate to each jurisdiction if, due to the situation they are going through, they

have low, medium or high risk

when returning to face-to-face educational meetings.

With this

"analysis guide" at hand

, each of the governors and the head of the Buenos Aires government will be able to measure where they are standing.

If the risk is high, obviously they won't be able to reopen the schools;

if it is medium or low, they can start non-school educational activities;

and if it is low, they will also be able to return to traditional face-to-face classes.

Clarín was

able to know that the City of Buenos Aires is given a "traffic light" medium.

And that you have everything ready to start next week.

It will begin with the re-engagement of the 6,500 students who lost all contact with the school, and also with the students who are finishing primary and secondary school.

News in development