The Limited Times

The meeting that will define the return to the classrooms of recent years began throughout the country

10/8/2020, 8:24:02 PM

It is maintained by the members of the Federal Council of Education. They will discuss changes in the health protocol against Covid 19, but the final decision on the return of classes will be up to each governor.

10/08/2020 17:09

  • Clarí

  • Society

Updated 10/08/2020 17:10


Federal Council of Education, made up of

24 ministers from all over the country, meets again to analyze the return to non-school educational activities for students who complete primary or secondary level, or for students who have lost ties with the school during the months of suspension from face-to-face classes due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The ministers of Education debate about the new epidemiological guides that the provinces will use according to the situation of the coronavirus in the district, although the final decision on the return to face-to-face classes will be made by each governor, spokesmen for the national education portfolio indicated.

Specifically, they will seek to modify the protocol that was defined for face-to-face classes during the coronavirus pandemic.

The intention that face-to-face activities are enabled in places with "low or no virus circulation." 

Back to School in San Juan

If a high-risk province is classified, the return to face-to-face classes would not be authorized;

in the case of medium risk it could only be returned in some schools and when the risk is low there will be a progressive return to the classroom, the sources detailed.

The ministers arrived at this meeting after two consecutive meetings called to work on the same issue, the first of which took place last Tuesday, an opportunity in which the analysis of the situation of the different districts began, in light of a guide based on epidemiological indices by the Ministry of Health of the Nation.

Meanwhile, on Wednesday, the health teams of the provinces held a virtual meeting with the Nation to "analyze the existing variables in each jurisdiction regarding the application of these indices to know what elements to take that are appropriate to their realities" spokesmen indicated.

Sources from the Ministry of Health told Télam that, in the meeting with the teams from the jurisdictions, they sought to establish a "complete X-ray of each province" in which a questionnaire with qualitative and quantitative details on the possible response to an outbreak was included. of coronavirus.