The Limited Times

The X Factor Bootcamps start on Sky, Hell Raton and Mika begin

10/8/2020, 4:29:50 PM

To each judge the burden of selecting only five artists (ANSA)The awaited moment for the assignment of categories arrives: on Thursday 8 October, Alessandro Cattelan will communicate to each judge the category of which he will be the mentor and will kick off the first part of the X Factor 2020 Bootcamps, the Sky show produced by Fremantle, broadcast at 9.15 pm on Sky Uno and Now Tv.     Among the young artists who for each category have passed the first sel

The awaited moment for the assignment of categories arrives: on Thursday 8 October, Alessandro Cattelan will communicate to each judge the category of which he will be the mentor and will kick off the first part of the X Factor 2020 Bootcamps, the Sky show produced by Fremantle, broadcast at 9.15 pm on Sky Uno and Now Tv.

    Among the young artists who for each category have passed the first selection step, the Auditions, each judge will have the responsibility of selecting only 5. The first to compose their team are Hell Raton and Mika.

For Emma and Manuel Agnelli the choices are postponed to next week.

    The competition at the jury table also begins with the Bootcamp.

For the 4 judges, in fact, the time has come to build their own team: to do so it will be necessary to be rigorous and also fierce.

Only the best - among the many voices, original proposals and musical realities that have passed the Auditions - will be able to obtain the fateful chair that is worth the passage to the next phase.

The rule provides, in fact, that each judge has only 5 chairs available, one for each chosen component, and up to the last performance he can make changes, the fateful and feared "switch", with which to decide to give the place to a other competitor.

The chances that the judge will change his mind and decide to "switch" are always very high: thus, the competition becomes very tough for the artists who, in addition to obtaining a chair, will have to hope until the last minute to be able to keep it until the end of the bet.

    Alessandro Cattelan and the other three judges not involved in the choice will comment on the work of the judge who is the protagonist of the Bootcamp, evaluating the decisions he made also thinking about a start of rivalry between the various teams.

At the end of the two appointments with the Bootcamps, only the best 20 young artists will have the opportunity to play all out in the new phase called "Last Call": a last call to become the 12 protagonists of the live X race. Factor 2020.