The Limited Times

Trump says that getting the covid-19 was "a blessing from God"

10/8/2020, 1:17:44 AM

After almost two days without appearing on camera, the president of the United States releases a surprising video in which he praises the experimental drugs he received and promises to distribute hundreds of thousands of free doses

Donald Trump, President of the United States, during his video message.THE WHITE HOUSE / Reuters

After staying away from the spotlight since he was discharged from the hospital on Monday and returned to the White House, the president of the United States, Donald Trump, has released this Wednesday at 5:49 p.m. (Washington time) a surprising video in the who comes out speaking directly to the camera from the White House garden, and refers to the covid disease that he suffers, and that has killed more than 210,000 Americans, as "a blessing from God."

In the video, almost five minutes long, in which he is seen euphoric as he jumps from one topic to another, he talks about the experimental drug with which he is being treated as a "remedy" and assures that it will provide "hundreds of thousands "Free dose to Americans."

"Hello, you may recognize me, I am your favorite president."

This is how Trump begins his speech, in which he assures that he returned home "a day ago", despite the fact that the video was released this Wednesday afternoon, just two days after he returned to his residence.

He then proceeds to praise the medical professionals who treated him at Walter Reed Hospital.

Praise then extended to "doctors from all over the country", "nurses", "emergency workers", "policemen", "firefighters" and "the whole world".

"We have great people, this is a great country," sums up the president.

“I feel great.

I feel like perfect ”, assures Trump.

He talks about the drugs that were administered to him and highlights the experimental antibody cocktail produced by Regeneron, which is still in the clinical trials phase, and which the president ventures to say that he believes was "the key."

“They gave me Regeneron and it was like… amazing.

I felt good immediately, ”he explains.

"I want to get for you what they gave me, and I will do it for free, you are not going to pay for it," he assures, in a display of generosity.

"We are going to get you the drug, it is going to be free, we are going to put it in hospitals as soon as we can and you are going to see amazing things," he insists.

"It wasn't therapeutic for me ... it just made me feel better, okay?"

"I think it was a godsend that I contracted it," Trump says of the covid.

“It was a blessing in disguise.

I got it, I heard about this drug, I said to let me take it.

It was my suggestion: let me have it.

And it was amazing how it worked.


And I think that if I had not contracted it we would be looking at it like many other drugs.

Trump says it is "much more important" to him than the vaccine.

And that, he assures, there will be "a great vaccine very soon."

“I think we should have it before the elections, but frankly politics gets in the way.

Okay, they want to play their games, it will be right after the elections ”, adventure, referring to the elections in which reelection is played on November 3.

Towards the end of the video, the president enters the division of responsibilities.

"It was not your fault that this happened," Trump explains to his viewers.

“It was China's fault.

China is going to pay a great price for what it has done to this country.

China is going to pay a great price for what it has done to the world.

This was China's fault.

Just remember it ”.

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