The Limited Times

US election: highlights of the TV debate between Pence and Harris

10/8/2020, 8:20:50 AM

Cautious, but tough on the matter: The TV debate between the two US runningmates was different from that between Trump and Biden. You could actually feel what this election is about.

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A fly on the Vice President's head - basically the only extraordinary moment in the TV duel between Mike Pence and his challenger Kamala Harris.

Otherwise, the exchange of blows in Salt Lake City was as expected: much more civilized than the duel Trump against Biden, but tough on the matter.

Not only when it comes to Covid-19. 

Kamala Harris, Vice-Candidate, Democrat:

"The American people have seen the greatest failure our country has ever seen from a presidential administration. They knew what was happening and they did not tell you."

Mike Pence, US Vice President

"In reality, the Biden Plan reads very much like what President Trump, I and our task force and I have been doing all along."

The pandemic shaped the debate, also visually: More than three and a half meters distance and Plexiglas panes between the opponents - after Donald Trump's corona infection, the hygiene measures on the stage were tightened again.

Harris set on attack: She tried to differentiate herself as much as possible from Trump policy - one example: tax policy.  

Kamala Harris, Vice-Candidate, Democrat

"For Joe Biden, the strength of the economy is measured by the strength of the American worker and the American family. Unlike Donald Trump, who measures the strength of the economy by how the rich are doing."

Mike Pence, US Vice President:

"America, you heard it: Joe Biden will raise your taxes on the first day."

And when it came to the climate crisis, the differences between the candidates became particularly clear.

Kamala Harris, Runner-up, Democrat:

"Joe understands that the west coast of our country is on fire, including my home state of California. Joe sees what is happening in storm-ravaged states on the Gulf Coast. Joe has seen and has seen the farmers in Iowa talked to them. "

Mike Pence, US Vice President:

"The climate is changing. But the question is, what is causing this and what are we doing about it? President Trump has made it clear that we will continue to listen to science. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris would be back in The Paris Climate Agreement would come into effect. They would implement the 'Green New Deal' which would destroy the American energy sector, raise energy costs for American families and literally destroy American jobs. "

The duel was moderated by the US reporter Susan Page.

Harris and Pence had to keep admonishing them to keep their speaking time - especially Mike Pence didn't seem to have a good grip on them.

The economy, the climate crisis, health policy, police violence and racism, relations with China - everything came on the table.

Harris often attacked, Pence took on the role of level-headed and appeased.  

Kamala Harris, Vice-


, Democrat:

"Last week the president stood in front of 70 million Americans and refused to condemn White Supremacists. It wasn't like he didn't get the chance. He didn't and then refilled it again. "

Mike Pence, US Vice President, 

"As for George Floyd, there is no apology for what happened to George Floyd. Justice will be brought about. But there is also no apology for the rioting and looting after the crime. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris keep claiming that America is systemically racist. And Joe Biden says that the authorities have prejudice against minorities. That is a great insult to the men and women who serve in law enforcement. I want everyone to know who wears a law enforcement uniform every day that President Trump and I stand by you. " 

It could have been the last big TV debate of this US election campaign.

Because of Donald Trump's corona infection, it is not certain whether the two actually planned duels between him and Joe Biden will take place.

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