The Limited Times

VIDEO. Covid-19: 4 additional cities on "Maximum Alert" and good news in Morbihan and Nièvre

10/8/2020, 5:49:23 PM

The Minister of Health took stock of the progress of the coronavirus in France. With the deterioration of the health situation, new

After Marseille and Paris, four new metropolises in France will be placed on “Maximum Alert”. In Lille, Saint-Etienne, Lyon and Grenoble, new measures to stop the Covid-19 pandemic will be launched this Saturday. In these 4 cities, bars will be forced to close their doors and restaurants subject to a stricter security protocol. According to the Minister of Health, two other cities are threatened by the deterioration of the health situation. Toulouse and Montpellier, currently in the “Reinforced Alert” zone, could switch Monday to “Maximum Alert”, if the situation does not develop favorably over the next few days. In two departments, the news is better. Thanks to a falling contamination rate, Morbihan and Nièvre are leaving the alert zone.